Rules landing trees in the garden


    It is necessary to pay attention to allelopathy - compatibility of plants. It is positive or negative.

    Rules landing trees in the garden 1211_1
    Rules of planting trees in the garden Maria Verbilkova

    It is best when the trees of one species are planted nearby, but it looks uninteresting. Therefore, it is important to know which plants can not only grow well next, but also to be useful for each other. When planning the arrangement of the garden, the compatibility table will help you.

    Apricot, plum, peach, cherry and other light-loving plants should be in the south or south-west of the plot. If the plot is small, then on the south side there must be more low plants.

    There are two garden styles: regular and landscaped.

    In a regular plant, plants should form symmetric figures. They can be placed in a row or in a checker order. On a hilly area of ​​culture, it is necessary to plant the slope across.

    The landscaped garden looks more naturally, so the landing rules are more free - only allelopathy should be guided. If there are irregularities on the site, this type of design will ideally suit and create the effect of naturalness.

    The next thing to do is to decide which trees and in what quantity you want to plant. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that neighboring plants can poll each other.

    So that the trees grow well, they need to be sued not only from each other, but also from the buildings. For example, the distance from building to cherry or plum should not be less than 3 meters.

    The rows of trees whipped on tall laying should be located at a distance of 5-6 m. Trees are planted every 4-5 m. If the distance is less, the crop will deteriorate significantly.

    Rules landing trees in the garden 1211_2
    Rules of planting trees in the garden Maria Verbilkova

    However, plants with a small crown can be squeezed every 0.5-1 m. If you want to alternate trees with berry shrubs, within one row, the distance between them needs to be increased by 1-2 m. Between such mixed rows, the distance must be greater than 1 -1.5 m.

    As a rule, it is planted in spring or autumn - in the summer there is a risk of damaging the plant during the growing season. More appropriate season you can choose depending on your region.The region is when it is better to plant the south better to plant in the fall. If you put in the spring, the plant may not have time to adapt before it becomes hot, and the central regions will die from drought you can land both in the spring and autumn: the result will be about the same north to plant in spring - if you put in the fall, trees may die from too low Temperature

    It depends on your needs and taste preferences. On a family of three-four people, there are 3 apple trees in winter varieties, 2 apple autumn and summer varieties, 2 pears, 4 cherries and 4 plums.

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