Why do you need us to know: the founder of kindergarten English Preschool Discovery Tatyana Amaryan and Victoria Boev

Why do you need us to know: the founder of kindergarten English Preschool Discovery Tatyana Amaryan and Victoria Boev 12102_1

Tatyana Amarian: I was from Siberia, born in Omsk, I also studied at the best at that time in the city of 19th Gymnasium. From childhood I do not remember at all in order to think I dream of becoming. There was a leader of all boys and a terrible robbery, which was constantly complained by mom for bad behavior and fights.

At the age of 14, I moved to Moscow - then my mother was invited to lead the office of the international company. Here I externally finished 11 classes to stay more time to prepare in the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov. To enroll on the paid program International Business School, you had to first go to the budget of any faculty of the hips, and then pass the English exam. In school, I was the main language, I had French, so I even went to an internship in Rouen, but quickly missed the house and returned. In the 9th grade, I focused in English and successfully passed the tests at the university.

After graduating the third course, I got to an internship in the device of the company "Troika Dialog", where it was then to work as a assistant, combining this with the writing of a diploma. There I met my spouse, got married, later went to the decret, where our ways with Vika crossed.

Victoria Boev: And I was born in Oymyakne - this is the very pole of cold in Yakutia. I graduated from school there, and I arrived at the university already to Moscow. I did it too in Rau them. Plekhanov, but to another specialty - "Finance and Credit". As a child, I dreamed of becoming a cosmonaut, the President of the Russian Federation. After the Institute, for a long time he worked at the Ministry of Nuclear Energy, headed the financial service of a large enterprise, subordinated by the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

T.A.: This year marks ten years since we and Wika, walking with the strollers, met in the park near the house and started a joint business. We both then were on the decree with the second daughters and realized that they were not ready to return to large corporations. We wanted to spend more time with the children and chose a social business that develops you in a variety of directions, allowing you to make money.

Initially, we acquired someone else's franchise of the network of children's clubs, but the promises of the franchiser did not have anything in common with reality: the support from the management company was not, and the business model turned out to be non-visual. Therefore, we decided to leave the franchise and launch a more stable and demanded project - an English kindergarten with prepayment of subscriptions for a month. The competitors were then there were one or two companies, and the first garden on the Presnensky Embankment due to a successful location immediately filled out and went on payback.

In general, the exit from someone else's franchise was the question of time - our entrepreneurial experience and leadership qualities in any case would lead to their business.

Feeling demand and constantly receiving positive feedback, we wanted to grow and develop, making our approach to education accessible to more families, so five years later launched their own franchise English Preschool Discovery. Now, under our brand, 25 points are open, the average expire in which is held at 85-100%, excluding quite new ones. And in some branches even turn.

V. B.: If we talk about the difficulties, the opening of a kindergarten is a laborious process, to provide in which everything is almost impossible in advance, but we are very trying. It is more difficult to look for the right people, as any business, and especially related to services and children - it is about employees. At first, we brought native speakers from abroad, but not all of them are ready to stay in Russia, so now we invite already acclimatized expatoves. Another complexity in our business is the premises. These requirements are very strict: the first floor, two exits, windows, layout, playground near and so on, and there is almost no choice. And in those locations where there are no more than our gardens, they are becoming less and less. The coronacrisis has not changed this situation, and rental rates as if even increased.

T. А.: But in any case, growth without difficulties does not happen. Though I miss all the difficulties through myself and through emotions, but I quickly take myself in my hands and I treat them more coolly. We got tremendous experience. Thanks to him, we help our partners avoid mistakes and go to profit faster.

At some point, the applications for the purchase of the franchise began to come very much, then we also felt successful. Another such sign can be called what we often began to invite to perform at the events about business or pre-school education, become a member of the jury or expertly comment. Now we are constantly faced with the fact that our brand knows, respond about him as a cool business business with an excellent educational program. Because of this demand, we can choose only those partners who are close to our values ​​and approach to pre-school education. This allows you to collect around yourself the team exclusively from like-minded people and move the brand forward together together.

V. B.: We are focused on quality, not quantity, so in order to avoid competition between the franchisee originally identified the maximum number of network branches in Moscow and the region. The market analysis showed that it is 50 points, so half of the path in this direction is already passed. But we do not want to stop at this, so I listened to our clients and realized what other need to satisfy.

It turned out that practically everyone wants to continue education in English, and in the near future we have the discovery school opening with zero, first and second classes up to 20 people. The school will open in September 2021 on the Presnensky Embankment. School training will be divided into two parts: in the first half of the day - classes in the framework of the international program with English speakers, in the second - lessons in Russian, which will take the best of the domestic education system. Graduates English Preschool Discovery will be able to go to school without exams, the rest will need to take entrance exams.

Another way to develop business is a corporate university. Now he works for our employees: we regularly conduct courses, trainings and short master classes. But the selection of pre-school education is experiencing a sharp deficit of personnel, so we are already working with universities, and in the future we plan to go to the external B2B market.

T.A.: If we think about what we came to, then I first feel a confident person with a rod inside and authority for some people. Now it is very important for me that someone now listens to your opinion, and someone you inspire anything and changes inside.

The role of mom and wife also takes a huge place in my life. To combine it with business, in most cases the rule works: after 5-6 pm, being at home and dedicate the family all this time without being distracted by the work. I love to cook at home, engage in children, play with them. In the morning I myself collect and take them to school and garden. On the circles, children go only on weekdays, so we walk a lot on weekends and go to relax with the whole family.

But exceptions, of course, are. Now I study on the MBA program "Skolkovo" and once a month for a few days I remain living in campus, because the load is very high there, but it is temporary. And to learn something new you always need.

In addition, I can not imagine life without sports - I am engaged in Weixerf, a snowboard, I study skiing, two semi-marathons ran. Running is my meditation under any conditions and weather. Just wear warmer and run to reboot.

Observe such a balance helps specially developed traditions and rituals with children and husband, and even tough discipline, so all weekdays are painted in minutes, there is no expression.

V. B.: And I feel a successful businesswoman with great luggage knowledge and rich practice. I understand that in such a development, I really helped me experience in large state structures. I also observe Work-Life Balance by switching the head to the role of mom. Like Tanya, I love joint classes and time with children. And the sport also allows me to keep the shape and clean the head. Often I am in sports campsies with two goals: switch to physical opportunities and arrange the Challenge itself. It is always interesting to experience yourself for strength and explore, I can do something new or not.

I do not forget about the leaving for yourself, beauty, massages. All this allows you to feel like an ordinary woman, and not just an iron business woman. I know how to enjoy these processes. And I also like to spend time with friends, I have very interesting and versatile.

Photo: Provided English Preschool Discovery

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