In Orenburg, the growth of lending to the population slowed down

In Orenburg, the growth of lending to the population slowed down 121_1

In 2020, banks provided 189 billion rubles of loans to residents of the Orenburg region, which is 11% more than a year earlier. At the same time, the growth rate of lending rates decreased - for 2019 the amount of loans issued exceeded the figure of 2018 15%. In the past year, with a significant increase in the mortgage market, there was a slowdown in consumer lending, which is associated with the restrictions due to a pandemic and a decrease in consumer demand.

The cooling of retail lending also contributed to the introduction of the Debt Load Indicator (PDN) in 2019, which are required to calculate banks and MFIs when making a decision on issuing loans. Recall, PDN is the attitude of average monthly payments of the borrower on all loans and loans to its average monthly income. When lending to citizens with a high level of PDN (more than 50%), creditors should form an additional stock of capital.

"The calculation of the PDN helps banks and MFIs to estimate their risks. If the borrower has a high defense rate, more likely that it may have difficulty return. Therefore, the lender must "freeze" the reserve capital to cover possible losses. Yes, and the borrowers themselves should understand that before seeing a loan or loan, it is better to calculate the ratio of their income and expenses for debt repayment, "Alexander Stakhnyuk said the managing department of the Bank of Russia in the Orenburg region.

In general, the loan portfolio of individuals in the Orenburg region last year increased by 12% against 16% in 2019 and amounted to 252 billion rubles as of January 1, 2021. The share of overdue debts per year practically did not change and as of January 1, 2021 amounted to 4%. This was facilitated by the measures of state support of citizens who collided with difficulties in repaying loans due to a pandemic. So, in 2020, Orenburg residents filed more than 34 thousand applications for changing the conditions of loan agreements. Two thirds of banks banks approved. Citizens restructured loans on their own programs of banks in the amount of over 6 billion rubles, according to the Law on Credit Vacations - in the amount of about 890 million rubles.

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