Chinese astronauts are preparing for flights to the orbital station

Chinese astronauts are preparing for flights to the orbital station 12062_1

The group of Chinese astronauts (taikonavtov) undergoes training in front of the implementation of 4 manned missions planned for this year. They will be performed as part of the launch of the first orbital space station in China (for a long stay). Work on its construction is approaching the final stage.

The Chinese modular space station is the third multi-module project after the operation of the world and the current international space station (ISS). According to preliminary forecasts, the construction of the facility will be completed by 2022.

Station design

According to the initial project, the station consists of 3 modules:

  • The main module "Tianhe";
  • "Wentian";
  • "Mantyan".
Chinese astronauts are preparing for flights to the orbital station 12062_2
Scheme of the Chinese Space Station

"Tianhe" is a station control center. Includes service, laboratory and special docking compartments. "Wentian" is designed to control (functions similar to the base module), and also provides for a place for storing payloads. "Mentian" is an experimental module for research inside and on the outer surface.

Visually "Tianhe" resembles the main block of the Soviet-Russian Station "Mir" - "Star". And two other modules are based on the developments of Tiangun-2 - the Chinese visited orbital station, which has gone from the orbit in 2019.

All three modules are formed by the letter. In the design there are 5 docking nodes. Of these, two will be used to dock the piloted ship "Shenzhou" and the Tienzhou cargo apparatus. The rest make it possible to expand the configuration of the station in the future.

General characteristics of the space station:

  • Weight - 66 tons;
  • The length of the base module is 18.1 m;
  • width - 40 m;
  • The diameter of the housing of each module is 4.2 m;
  • capacity - up to 3 astronauts;
  • The duration of stay at one expedition station is 40 days;
  • Service life - 15 years.

According to Chinese National Space Management (CNSA), the launch of the first main module "Tianhe" can take place in April of this year. It will be made using a heavy carrier launch "Changzhhen-5". In October 2020, it was delivered to the Wenchang cosmodrome.

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Launch of the launch vehicle "Changzhheng-5"

For the next two years, China has planned 11 missions and the launch of the base module will be the first one. In addition to sending two other modules to the orbit, a cargo ship will fly 4 times and another 4 times - the machine with the crew. CNSA reported that the preparatory process takes 12 astronauts. Among them, there are both experienced taikonauts who have completed flights to Shenzhou and beginners, including women.

Also now in the orbit of Mars is the Chinese interplanetary station Tianwean-1, which includes an orbital apparatus and a rover. The object was also launched using Changzhheng-5 and reached the orbit on February 10. The descent and landing of the Marshode on the planet are scheduled for April 23. There he will spend 3 months by performing various tasks for studying the surface of Mars.

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