Why not blooming strawberries - the most common causes


    Good afternoon, my reader. Strawberry care is a simple thing. But sometimes due to the mistakes made, the plant ceases to bloom and be fruit. This situation is easy to correct, taking advantage of simple, but very useful rules of agrotechnology.

    Why not blooming strawberries - the most common causes 1206_1
    Why does not flower strawberries - the most common causes of Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Experienced gardeners recommend landing strawberries closer towards the end of summer (the last decade of July is August). In the middle lane, the deadline for this event is the first half of September.

    Located in the ground at the beginning of the strawberry season is unlikely to bloom massively. Separate bushes form buds and will be ready for flowering. But for the plant that did not really have time to root this will be too heavy.

    Why not blooming strawberries - the most common causes 1206_2
    Why does not flower strawberries - the most common causes of Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Proper solution: Remove the flowerons and give the bushes the ability to form good urine roots. For the season, the culture will strengthen, and next year it will surely bloom together and give the first harvest.

    Incorrect landing is a frequent cause of lack of colors on strawberry bushes. Do not block the plant too shut, because the soil will fall over time, and the sheet socket will be underground. This makes it difficult to vegetacy: the plant will be sickly, no matter what flowering can be speech.

    Do not think that the more fertilizers you enter into the ground, the better the berry culture will develop. In fact, all feeding should be strictly dosed.

    Nitrogen-containing fertilizers contribute to the soil in order to stimulate the growing season. Surplus this component lead to green mass. A nitrogen crowned plant will look beautiful, but the flowers on it may not appear at all.

    In such cases, you should forget about any fertilizers. And so that nitrogen is quickly washed out of the soil, strawberries should be abundantly pouring with subsequent soil loosening.

    In the regions where frosty, but no misunderstanding winters can be frozen. In the spring it will move long and very slowly increase the green mass. But the flowers may not appear at all, because the core of the socket was frozen.

    In addition, strawberries may suffer from returnable (spring) freezers. In order to protect the plant and not lose the crop, if necessary, to strengthen the strawberry beds with nonwoven material: agrovolok, Loutrasil, sponbond.

    The lack of flowers on the strawberry sometimes provoke fungal infections (malievous dew, white or brown rot). In the detection of patients, it should be immediately treated with one of the fungicidal preparations: "Alin", "Topaz", "Phytolavin", etc.

    Why not blooming strawberries - the most common causes 1206_3
    Why does not flower strawberries - the most common causes of Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    In addition, some pests (wave, strawberry tick, weeving, nematode) can prevent flowering process. The affected plants in this case are treated with insectoacaricides: "Aktellik", "Malayton", "Vestimen", etc.

    Strawberries, like other cultural plants, needs competent leaving. It is quite easy to grow a good harvest if you land up to the grocery berries in the ground before collecting fragrant berries.

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