Robbery in broad daylight: how Russian gopniks Riga guys undressed

Robbery in broad daylight: how Russian gopniks Riga guys undressed 11928_1

Somehow in February, which in that year was rather cold and snowy, a teenager of sixteen came to the duty of the proletarian police department of Riga. It was dressed in a dirty bolot-colored jacket and old torn jeans. He stated to the duty that he had just been stripped right on the street. The application of the victim and became the starting point of the criminal case, in which street robbers had to be found in Russian expanses.

Undress, friend

Everything happened in the area just opened Minsk supermarket, located in Purvziese. Yuri was walking down the street. It was called. High, a slightly dressed guy blocked the road. He was two more. "I hear ... - High friendly took Yuri under the elbow. - Help is needed. You need to call the girl. And we can not jump in that apartment. Well, you understand, the ancestors are very serious and all that. " In the first moment of Jura, internally squeezed, prepared for the dissolution. And here is the case ... smiled and asked: "Where does she live, the girl is yours?" "Yes Nearby, in that high-rise building on the upper floor," answered him.

With difficulty, all four climbed into the elevator and climbed to the top floor. "Stave, came," they said on a staircase, but for some reason they didn't call the apartment number. Suddenly, two "grooms" approached closely, the third one instantly found himself from behind. "Jeans are cool to you," highly said tall. - Let's wait? "

The guy began to think painfully. "What is his unacceptable eyes! What is it before, on the street, they did not see them, "he thought. My heart was swamped. Jura tried to jump aside, but he got a blow to the stomach. He suffered. Strong hands grabbed his shoulders. To the throat. No, do not break out. Kill.

"Undress, friend," he heard the victim as if from afar. "And don't worry, I will not leave naked. We understand you on the street to go, what kind of frost on the street. My clothes will spit." Everything went very quickly, and the top of the robbers went into the elevator and rushed. And the guy could not come to himself from experienced shock.

A series has been identified

As it turned out, the case of an attack on Yuri was not the only one. For some few days in different parts of Riga, several similar episodes were recorded. The victims in their statements wrote that three attackers acted on the same scheme. They chose fashionably dressed guys and undressed them, in return giving their worn rags. The case became interested in the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs. After all, criminals were with knives and, if they had resistance, could well apply these cold weapons. And then to the murder not far. However, not yet a single hook at the disposal of the investigation.

According to the testimony of the victims, the "replaceable" clothes of the criminals every time they shot themselves. But this is the long procedure. Where it would be easier to wear it in a bag. So it was possible to assume that they simply did not have their clothes. It seems that these were visiting.

They spoke every time in Russian and, judging by the revolutions of speech, were not from Latvia, but most likely came from somewhere from Russia or Belarus. Where did they stop then? Have friends, got a room, was attached to the hosch? Or somewhere in the attic night? The investigation has revealed material evidence - trousers and jackets of attackers. But the broadcasts "were silent." Neither the labels nor a different curious on them.

And then there was prompt information about the next episode with undressing, although there were no statements from the victim. It turned out that the robbers tried to undress another guy. He was surrounded on the street, they squeezed knives. The victim shouted, and his friends came to his aid.

The attackers rushed to run. Three tweaked, and one caught one of the caught and then they were released that he conveyed to his friend so that all things would be returned. In addition, they learned him. It was a certain Slavik, who studied in one of the Riga vocations to the plasterer. He was immediately detained. The guy told that she recently met the guys. They came from somewhere from the south.

The name is Ruslan, Alik and Andrei. Ditched some maiden named Svetlana. The Trinity arrived in Riga in worn jeans, worn jackets, and less than a week in all fashionable dressed. It is clear that with people raised. Slavik envied them and asked him to take it. What happened in the end, testified a huge bruise under his eye.

But he did not remember Svetlana addresses. In addition, his new friends then declared that they would eat and need to wash off. The search mechanism was launched. They made photographs of intruders, sent requests to colleagues from Russia and Belarus. The address of Svetlana was installed. But here in the case there was a new hook.

Measures are not silent

The things in the case were once again carefully examined. And in his pocket, the trousers were discovered a grown piece of paper, which adhesive in the inside of the pocket. He turned out to be a wedding envelope. It preserved the return address: "Leningrad Region, Vsevzhsk ... Petrova". Everything else was broken. Only the last digit of the index survived - 0. Connected Russian colleagues.

Address quickly restored. And it turned out that at this address a certain Petrova Tatyana Ivanovna lives, a young woman from the south and who came to this city by distribution after graduation. She remembered that the letter wrote home to parents. The last digit on the envelope scribe was just their postal index. But no one came from the house to visit her.

We sent a request for Kuban to one of the local stans. The elderly parents of Tatiana interrogated. They were excited about the joke. But in the end I remembered that the address of the daughter asked someone Nikolai Batrakov, her friend. I did not have to look for a ring for a long time. In Riga, a message came from Vsevolzh criminal investigation. It was reported that when trying to make theft at the crime scene, somety Batrakov Nikolai was detained. According to the signs, he looked like a wanted Ruslan.

Literally a few days later, Asker - Andrei Sokolova was detained in the city of Pskov region. He was immediately stupid in Riga. He showed at the interrogation that after the prolque Trinity agreed to leave to Leningrad. But there they almost fell asleep on theft. So decided to disperse. Nikolay Batrakov went to his bride Tatiana. And Asker-Andrey decided to sit down at his relatives in the island. He did not expect that he would quickly fall.

It remained to find Alik - exactly the high guy with evil eyes. According to Asker's testimony, he stayed in St. Petersburg at the apartment at his friend somewhere near the Vitebsk station. The addresses he did not remember, but the memory volunteered to find. And he passed his accomplice, which was actually called Sergey. He was detained in a few days. He tried to jump out the window from the second floor, but in the end broke his leg.

Participants of the gang staged in Riga, where the court took place. After all, it is in this city they committed their crimes. Street robbers-touring was sentenced, based on the severity of perfect acts, to the deadlines from 3 to 5 years of imprisonment. The greatest term is 5 years of colony - received Alik-Sergey. Ascera Andrei was sentenced to four years, and Ruslan-Nicholas - to three. But the latter also received an ending in the form of 1.5 years of imprisonment for an attempt to theft, perfect in Vsevzhsk. The Riganine Slavik, who received only two years was concerned about the easiest.

Alexander Walter.

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