Russia pushed the European Union even more


Russia pushed the European Union even more 11892_1
Russia has notified European diplomats about expulsion right during Josepa Burlel press conference in Moscow

The unfriendly reception of Russia of the main diplomat of the European Union Josepa Borrel caused a loud political resonance. But even he does not promise that disputes within the EU about politics against Russia will soon end.

Most observers note that the conflict between the EU and Russia will further freeze the already ice relations and increase the chances of the fact that the block will impose sanctions in connection with the arrest of Alexei Navalny. But only a few believe that, given the economic, energy and strategic interests of the EU countries, this may lead to a fundamental change in the position of large states led by Germany and France and the transition to a more decisive policy towards Russia.

On Tuesday, the EU legislators criticized Russia sharply, and Borrel, in connection with his visit to Moscow last week, who became the first trip of a high-ranking EU official to Moscow from 2017. Some EU countries opposed this visit.

Russia used Borrel to "humiliate and offeure" the EU, and members of the Union shared the blame for his trip, the Deputy of the European Parliament from the Netherlands of Kati Piri said. "Could this happen if the EU leaders occupy a tougher position? - she said. - We need a single strategy regarding Russia, and not the policy of peace - taking into account those challenges that Russia creates for our security. "

In particular, some EU diplomats sharply criticized Burlel for his performance on Friday at a joint press conference with Sergey Lavrov, "aggressive drama" of which Borrel noted. However, even more in the EU, they are outraged by the decision of Moscow to put Borrel in an awkward position, driving out of the country during his stay of Germany diplomats, Sweden and Poland.

Defending the importance of his trip, Borrel stated that the relationship between the EU and Russia passed the "full circle" after the fall of the Berlin Wall. But Russia "did not justify hopes that it would become modern democracy." "Instead, there is deep disappointment and the growing distrust between the EU and Russia," Borrel believes. - Many traditional supports of Russian-European relations are loosened. "

In Germany, the behavior of the Kremlin caused universal indignation. In 2014, Berlin was achieved that after the accession of the EU Crimea introduced economic sanctions against Russia, but since then, Germany has occupied a less confrontational position. "This is a real blow to all who in Germany and Europe speaks for a dialogue with Russia," said Jürgen Hardt, the speaker of the Parliamentary faction of the HSS / HSU on foreign policy in the Bundestag. "Every time we stretch your hand, they repel it."

However, there are deep disagreements on what the EU reaction should be. The opposition in Germany insists in refusing to complete the construction of the "Northern Flow - 2", but the Government of Angels Merkel for many years supports this project. Its coalition partners believe that the EU must introduce sanctions against people from the near-Circle of President Vladimir Putin and businessmen who support its regime.

"We need targeted sanctions against the Russian elite and Procrement oligarchs," said Speaker on the issues of foreign policy of the Social Democratic Fractions of Niels Schmid. - It makes no sense to discuss again, which is right, and what is not in the "Northern Stream - 2".

Moscow does not demonstrate any signs of regret on the circumstances of the visit of Borrel and its consequences, including the response expulsion of Russian diplomats from Germany, Sweden and Poland. "Who is distinguished from whom? - reacted Lavrov to Burlel's comment about what Russia "is gradually separated from Europe." - Maybe this is still the European Union himself gives Russia, Russian and culture? "

Lavrov said that he used his negotiations with Borrel, to "confirm" the desire of Russia to reboot relations, "based not on unilateral requirements, but on mutual respect and accounting for each other's interests." In turn, the spokesman for President Dmitry Peskov said that Russia showed the expulsion of diplomats of EU countries that "does not intend to endure" interference in their internal affairs.

The goal of Russia was to send a clear signal to Europeans, and she succeeded, Andras Rats, researcher of the German Council on International Relations. "The essence of her messages: do not interfere in our internal affairs. And the bulk for them is an inner case, "says Rat. "But they also wanted to give a signal that they were interested in good relations with the EU, only if they were built on the terms of Russia."

Relations with Russia are a fundamental problem for those EU countries, whose opinion expresses Emmanuel Macron French President, who advocates maintaining contacts with the Kremlin. Their position is now weakened, while supporters of a more rigid approach - in particular, the Baltic countries and Poland - feel more confident.

Macron insists on the need for negotiations with Putin; Even experiencing resistance from some members of his own administration, he communicated with the Russian leader almost every week, says Arno Dubien, director of the Franco-Russian Analytical Center "Observatory". "The results are worse than minor - they are simply zero," says Tatyana Castuva-Jean, an expert in Russia of the French Institute of International Relations IFRI. "The only thing that Russia wants from this dialogue is that the EU can change his behavior. She does not want to change his behavior. "

Translated Victor Davydov

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