Hot shower for indoor plants: to whom is recommended and contraindicated

Hot shower for indoor plants: to whom is recommended and contraindicated 11823_1
Hot shower for indoor plants: to whom is recommended and contraindicated Domadeal

Hot shower for indoor plants - is it really necessary? We learn that it is a hot shower for home plants, as well as to conduct a bathing procedure under the shower.

To begin with, we will discuss how to bathe plants under the shower.

Under the concept of "hot shower for indoor plants", we mean the following: first of all, the water temperature. When watering, water has a room temperature (about 25 degrees). Bathing under the shower, focus on the temperature of about 40-45 degrees, so that the hands were pleasantly warm. Temperature Over 50 degrees can destroy the plant!

It must be remembered that even the most useful event is shown not to all indoor plants. Hot shower is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • After abundant irrigation. It should be waited until the soil in the pot is almost completely dry. If the surface of the soil is wet, when bathing plants under the shower, it is necessary to close the soil with a polyethylene package, in order to avoid high humidity.
  • Roomplants in the period of abundant flowering, as there is a sharp change of conditions, which can lead to falling out the colors. In addition, under the pressure of water, the likelihood of "knock down" flowers is great.
  • Freshly affected plants. Plant may not survive double stress.
  • Roomplants with a fluffy or shaggy leaf surface. Due to the fact that water is delayed between the Villains and leads to rotting. If you decide to get such a plant, after the procedure, flow the leaves from excess moisture with a paper towel.

Recommended regularity of the procedure - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. Course 3-4 procedures

Now go to the question: Why do plants need hot shower?

Hot shower as a stimulator of growth or flowering

The most common measure of stimulation of flowering plants. It often happens that the plant "freezes" in growth and ceases to bloom. Also, the hot shower is an accelerator to dissolve the leaves or during leaf deformation.

In this case, a good temperature difference is created, thanks to which the plant comes to life. This method perfectly helps to revitalum (women's happiness) or orchids.

Hot shower for purification from dust

It's no secret that hot water is much better cleans the surface of the plant sheet than cold. To purify the surface of the sheet or shoots, in order to improve the leaves, with severe pollution, the hot shower is perfectly blends dust or fat (if the plant, for example, is in the kitchen)

Hot shower for pests insect prevention

To get rid of either insect prevention (WLL, web tick), pests of indoor plants are mechanically washed. It is recommended to pre-replace the soil to the new and when bathing it, so that insects do not penetrate into the ground. Before the flooding procedure and, after it is desirable to spray the ground part with a solution of household soap and isolate a patient plant from others.

Thanks for attention! Write in the comments if you bathe your plants under the shower.

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