15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once


Sometimes there is a feeling that, in which gym you do not go, there will be all the same people who have already seen somewhere. Here, for example, this handsome in fashionable sports form constantly rolling to all women in a radius of a hundred meters. And the girl is still slow and sadly walks along the treadmill, seeking boredom viewing clips.

We in adme.ru decided to classify and draw characters that you have exactly met at least once in any gym.

Local Mr. Olympia

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_1

This athlete rushed so quickly that all the clothes became catastrophically small, and now he goes in mini shorts. Yes, the shape on it cracks on the seams, but everyone is visible to the considerable progress that he reached.


15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_2

This lady put so much time and strength to care for hair, which even at the time of the exercise does not want to hide his chic shop. Unfortunately, it is not very convenient to do. Although definitely beautiful.


15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_3

Pludal friends, in which no lesson costs without verbal support. It seems even to the barn they hold only the power of friendship. If one of them is hard for the exercise, then the second is here as here: he encourages and morally separates the severity of shells.

Miss "Well now you can!"

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_4

Sincerely sure that since she spent so many calories, it has the full right to restore them, eating a delicious cake or burger after classes. Sometimes it can be found directly in the coffee shop nearest to the gym or in McDonald's.

Unquestioned authority

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_5

Seemingly ordinary visitor. But it may unexpectedly come from the back, while you are peacefully doing the exercise, and declare that it is not done at all, and you do not mean anything about it with your coach.

Lover of hiking

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_6

Unhurried walking in the fresh air I don't like this lady with something, but when she rises on the path and puts on headphones, falls out of reality for an hour. After that, without even trying and never starting other exercises, it returns to the locker room.

Lonely Tragging Love Casanova

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_7

It believes that the best place to dating than the gym does not come up with. Well, that, that you are all disheveled, but it is irresistible! And not even tired. Perhaps due to the fact that he was passionate about the conversation, but did not find time for training.

The guy who misses the day of the legs

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_8

His hands and torso will envy Arnold Schwarzenegger, well, and the skin of the foot - any top model. It can literally stand and wave a rope for crossfit, not even fatal. But the simulators for the legs somehow goes away.

Perfume Manychka

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_9

Holy believes that before intense training you need to generously spray yourself with your favorite spirits, and the smell of sweat will not appear. The fact that she came to do is to know when she just opens the door, because the resistant perfume cloud is hung around it.

The very person who has ever "solves the question mark"

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_10

The guy who has life is painted in minutes. You do not understand: all his work is lit, if he does not answer the call right now. But it seems, he has a well-developed multitasking. Still, try to keep the bar and the phone at the same time!

Thoughtful mother

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_11

A confident point comes with his son to a female dressing room. For any remarks, disgusting with the words: "Yes, he is still a child!" The child is usually 7 years old, and it is capable of sharing independently. But mom knows better.

Collector Blinov

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_12

Its case is to collect all the shells, which only you can. At first, he, of course, exercises with small, then brings the pancakes bigger, and then the dumbbells will capture. Put everything back? No, you need, you even put.

Girl who is very afraid to pump muscle

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_13

Takes the most miniature dumbbells and carefully dies with them. It believes that the only muscle you can rock a woman is a pop. On any questions or advice, it is frightened: "You are what, I'm writing a man!"

Pre-holiday athlete

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_14

It appears in the hall only on the eve of important events in his life: Wedding, Birthday, Ride on the Sea. A week squeezes everything possible, and then safely disappears until the next event.

Interest club

15 regulars of the fitness club, with which everyone who goes to the hall at least once 11726_15

The company of girlfriends, which usually go to group classes together. They manage to talk loudly on the workouts themselves, and in the locker room, and in the shower, which involuntarily dedicates to all in the details of their lives. And if you ask, they will show you a photo of a grandson.

Have you ever met some of these heroes in the gym? Or maybe you came across different, no less interesting types?

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