About what elements of the chicken coop can not forget when it is erected


    Good afternoon, my reader. To avoid mortality of chickens, torture them with each other, decrease egg production, it is necessary to competently equip the chicken coop. The correct location of the elements affects the health and productivity of the inhabitants. Conditionally elements that fill the chicken coast can be divided into stationary and movable.

    About what elements of the chicken coop can not forget when it is erected 11697_1
    About which elements of the chicken coop should not be forgotten when His erected Maria Verbilkova

    Installing such parts involves strength, stability and reliability. That is why their location must be thought out in advance to provide convenience not only for the bird, but also for themselves while cleaning the house.

    1. Perch. Chickens are located on it during sleep or rest. It can be performed in the form of a wide staircase, under the tilt. This design will help to avoid littering on chickens located on the lower stages of the petition. 30 cm in width - enough space for one bird. It is necessary to take into account the size of the variance and number of chickens. It is also necessary to take care of the strength of the bar from which the NASP is manufactured, he should not be fed under several birds sitting on it.
    2. Nests. In them, the inhabitants of the chicken coop carry eggs. Collect the design of several boxes located at an altitude of 0.5 m from the floor. Inside the box is divided into 2 sections. Top is designed for chicken, lower for eggs. In the upper compartment, along the far wall, the hole is done through which the egg falls into the bottom compartment. The bottom compartment necessarily stood with straw to avoid broken eggs. One socket is designed for 4-5 individuals, its dimensions should not be less than 30 × 40 × 30. It is important to provide a small ladder, on which the chickens can climb into the nest.
    3. Litter. Provides heat, absorbing the vital products of the feathers. It can be made of sawdust, straw, hay, mixtures of these materials. Changing every week.
    4. Mesh walk. Allows the bird to go out. The grid is tensioned on the support poles. Its lower part should be inserted into the ground or firmly pressed against it. You can build a small canopy, where the chickens will be screwed from the rain without returning to the chicken coop.
    About what elements of the chicken coop can not forget when it is erected 11697_2
    About which elements of the chicken coop should not be forgotten when His erected Maria Verbilkova

    These elements can be rearranged, removed and replaced at any time. That is why they are thinking about their placement only after the installation of stationary structures.

    1. Feeders. Their quantity depends solely on the bird's livestock. They have them in the center of the Kuryatnik, so that his every resident has free access to food. The feed falls asleep twice: in the morning and in the evening. Evening feeding consists of a portion of a larger size so that a small amount of feed remains in the feeder at night.
    2. Drinkers. Just like with the feeders, the amount of drinking calculates depending on the number of chickens. Drinkers must be in free access to birds. Water change 2-3 times a day, as it is contaminated. Clean water is the guarantee of the health of all the inhabitants of the chicken coop.
    3. Mineral additive. As an additional nutrition for birds use the feed shell. It provides feathers with all the necessary minerals and microelements. A bowl with a shell may be in any of the corners of the chicken coop. Birds come to her solely as needed.
    4. Mc. It is a drawer filled with wood ash and sand. Protects chickens from parasites. May be located anywhere in the chicken coop.
    5. Natural substances. In completely small feeders, it is necessary to decompose small pebbles, sand, crushed coal, grass. All these substances are part of the full nutrition of chickens.
    6. Daylight lamps. The lack of natural lighting causes aggression, reduces the egg stage of the bird. To avoid these phenomena, the chicken coop is equipped with daylight lamps, which include cloudy weather and in winter.

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