How are the birth of a horse?


Horse breeding is a complex process in which mostly mare is involved, but there are nuances in which a person should take part. Otherwise, generic activity will damage the health of the female in labor and the foam. To act correctly, you need to know the physiological features of horses.

Anatomical structure of generic paths at the mare

By ways for the birth of the fooder is called an organ by means of which the embryo from the uterine cavity is coming. They consist of a pelvic, sacrum, soft tissues, different ligaments that form a cervix, vulva, vagina.

Before the beginning of the generic activity, the fruit bubble squeezes the urinary organs, so the neck begins to shorten and open. So the generic "tunnel" is formed, according to which the foam is released. But the elimination may find it difficult because of the weak elasticity of the vulva, especially at primible mares.

In order for the fruit to easily pass, the normal lumen of the vagina and the sufficient size of the pelvic cavity is necessary. Otherwise, there is a delay in childbirth, breaks and injuries. Veterinarians note that the pelvis is of particular importance.

What does it consist of and what does it look like:

  • Entrance. It has an oval-round shape, communicated with the abdominal cavity, but is limited to a sacral, ileum and lane. The angle of the bottom level relative to the iliac bones is from 50 to 60 °, so the entrance with the oblique direction.
  • Output. The upper part has movable tail vertebrae, lower sedable bones with walls and cutting. On the sides are sacral and sedable ligaments.
  • Pelvic cavity. It is a space with a vault that accommodates the bottom, the side walls and the upper wall.
  • Code. It contains the first vertebrae of tail and sacral bones.
  • Side walls. They are formed with a wide ligament and bone tissues, due to which they are strongly pronounced, which contributes to the easy-to-emitting of the foam.
  • Bottom. Combines the branches of the bones of a sedlicated-floor-type and cartilage, which merge in a pelvic battle.
  • Bones Unnamed. All elements have laminated, sedable and iliac bones, which in turn consist of segments and grow on the surface of the articulation of pelvic and femoral joints.
How are the birth of a horse? 11607_1

Harbingers of birth

The first thing that farmers pay attention to the behavior of a pregnant mare. Before approaching the generic activity, she refuses feed, behaves restlessly, circling on the day, digs his beds with hooves, often gets up / falls and uringes.

If you consider udder, the otnost will be noticeable, as it is filled with a colostrum. When pressed on the nipples - the milk dripping.

But not only these indicators need to pay attention. Before childbirth, experienced farmers examine the mares, since physiological changes occur in their organism:

  • Relaxing the pelvic apparatus is relaxing, due to which the ligaments are lengthened by 1/3.
  • When pressed on the sacratling ligaments, the density is felt, and the crosses of the "choke" (a deepening appears), an increase in the size of the sexual lips, fragrant of their folds (against the background of the ethnic and skin becomes very smooth). This happens in 5-36 hours, but there are cases when the pelvis changes and 3 weeks before the stallion.
  • Dissolving mucus from the vagina, which is usually sticky and thick, the presence of dumping threads of transparent color due to dissolving the mucosa. Manifestations are noticeable for 24-48 hours.
  • Reducing the body temperature at a mark from 0.4 to 1.2 ° C for a period of 12 to 48 hours.
  • The shortening of the uterus during the day before delivery. This is checked rectally.

Preparation for stallion

In order not to have a panic during childbirth, prepare all materials, tools and room in advance. Be sure to free the rectum from the wheelchair, since when the fetal exit risk of injury.


The main thing during the birth of a horse is purity, so be sure to disinfect the room with special means, iodine solution, quartz lamp or smoke. But do it so:

  1. Paint the horses to the street or to another room.
  2. Remove all the content from the day, up to the hay, sawdust, etc.
  3. Treat walls, partitions, feeders, windows.
  4. Get the mare back no earlier than a day.

Next, spend the following preparatory activities:

  1. Put fresh and necessarily dry straw.
  2. In place where the guinea is standing, put the rude fabric, which will save the floor from the blood.
  3. Mortulate lighting, as the bright light will act as an irritant.
How are the birth of a horse? 11607_2

The stallion may come suddenly, so prepare the necessary materials in advance:

  • Peleins / Sheets - to watch the foal;
  • antiseptic or iodine based on alcohol - dial in advance in a syringe by 10 ml;
  • Scalpel / Knife - If you need to cut the umbilical cord;
  • Sterile bottle and nipple - for colostrum;
  • Bandage for the tail;
  • Vaseline oil, Esmark's mug, "pear" - for enema.

During the childbirth, the tail with the help of bandage - it will not interfere with the time of generic activity.

How are the birth of a horse? 11607_3

How do the birth of a horse?

During the stallion from the strip part of the uterus, the fooder is derived due to the bouts (musculatural cuts) and dyghe (muscle tension in the abdominal cavity).

The first are characterized by a wave-like character - there is a reduction and relaxation, but in both cases the nerve endings of the genitourinary animal system are irritated.

Generic activity passes in gradually, depends on bouts and fence, which are divided into disclusive, generic and last type.

Opening of the uterus

With the drop-down struggles, the muscles are reduced exclusively in the uterus, while recognizing the very beginning of the stallion is impossible, since the horse does not show much. You can recognize the moment on the feast of the mare, the glance at your own belly.

The drop-down bouts also pass in stages:

  • The first stage. Abbreviations last about a second, and relaxation up to 25-30 minutes. At this time, the cervix is ​​disclosed and the movement of the fetus is closer to the outlet of the pelvic cavity. This leads to pressure on the future fooder and water, the result of which becomes the disabilities towards with less resistance.
  • Second stage. It is characterized by amplification and increasing duration of abbreviations: grapple-shaped spasms - up to 3-5 seconds, pause - up to 4-5 minutes. At this moment, the fruit shells with waters are moving toward the opened uterine channel, pressed the walls, which leads to smoothing the contours of the cervix and a merger with the vagina.
  • Third stage. The abbreviation time increases to 1-2 minutes, and the duration of relaxation is reduced to 30-60 seconds, as a result of which the elements of the fetal shells penetrate the vagina and for Vulva.

Fruit parts begin to protrude in the form of a semi-bubble bladder of fluctuating type.

Generic and lattern contractions

After the formation of the protruding bubble, labor begins at which the uterus and the abdominal cavity are reduced. The duration of abbreviations is 4-5 minutes, relaxing - up to 3 seconds. Strong attempts pushing out the fruit, breaking under this shell pressure and opening a completely uterus. So the first waters come out.

What happens next:

  • After the exit of the part of the water, the fetus penetrates into the pelvic channel, which leads to irritation of receptors in the generic paths and the further movement of the embryo;
  • Pressure becomes so strong that the fruit pops out out, completely breaking the residues of the shell;
  • When falling, the cord is broken.

The birth of a horse after primary kits usually leaves 5 to 40 minutes. Then she calms down for 5-10 minutes. After the birth of the foal inside the mare there are still the remains of the fetal shells, so the mare begins to behave aggressively, which manifests itself in the following:

  • waving tail;
  • exists anxiety;
  • Looks around (more often towards the abdomen);
  • toes with hooves;
  • dramatically jumps up and falls around;
  • wounds back arc;
  • sweats;
  • moan.

Such actions lead to expulsion from the body of the lane.

How to take birth

When stallion, the horse itself falls on one side and begins to stranger hard. At the same time, it can cheat the tail, pulling the hooves, move along the floor. But there are mares, giving birth standing. In this case, there is also anxiety.

Rules for making a foal:

  1. Prepare materials - put them next to them.
  2. You are near the animal, but do not distract the female, do not make sharp and loud sounds.
  3. Do not do anything if the horse is calm. If it starts to joggle, hold her paws, but do it with caution, otherwise it is scared.
  4. If the mare gives birth to standing, substitute your hands under the fruit so that it does not hit the floor. If lying, do nothing.
  5. Make sure that the fetal shell ripped. If it does not happen, slightly cut the bubble with a knife.
  6. Wait 5-6 minutes if the umbilical cord was not born - after mom, it will do it yourself. If not, take the scalpel and cut the umbilical cord by about 9-11 cm from the belly.
  7. If the gap happened further than this distance, take the durable threads and tie out a distance of 3-4 cm from the abdomen.
  8. Take a foal, cover it in a pelleon.
  9. Wipe the nostrils from the mucus.

Help with normal childbirth

Despite the fact that the generic activity goes fine, the owner of Konferma is obliged to follow all the processes and help the horses if necessary. This will protect against the consequences and will retain the health of mom and cub.

What do we have to do:

  • When any part of the fetus is cut down, pay attention to the perineum of the mare - if it is excessively stretched, hold the hole with the hands, which eliminates the risk of rupture;
  • If the fruit is delayed in the birth paths, but the elements of the body have already cut through, pull with hand carefully or make a loop from rope - if this is not done, asphyxia is possible, since the umbilical umbrellas.

Those with normal childbirth are those in which the foodier comes out with the front limbs, but the hooves are directed down, and the head is located on the paws.

Possible complications

During the stallion, unforeseen situations may arise, taking care of diseases and death, so it is important to know which complications are and what to do in a specific situation:
  • Breathing stops and heartbeat at the mare or the foam - urgently make a heart massage and artificial respiration;
  • The placenta is honest (signs - an okoloplode bubble becomes red) - need resuscitation actions to save the life of the baby;
  • Mekonia is delayed, which is manifested in intestinal spasms - use drugs for intestinal cleaning and antispasmodics;
  • Green bubble, yellow leather - contact the veterinarian, maybe these are serious diseases that require complex and highly specialized treatment;
  • Pathogenic bacteria fall into the foal body;
  • Deformation of the limbs.

When to cause a veterinarian?

If the breeder hits does not have experience in the foals of the mares, experienced farmers recommend calling the veterinary doctor directly before generic activities. This will increase the chance of a safe outcome of childbirth and the preservation of animal life.

How are the birth of a horse? 11607_4

But there are situations with which even experienced horseways cannot cope with themselves:

  • too long delivery after primary bruses;
  • The embryo is in the wrong position - the rear limbs forward, sideways, in the turned out (hoists up);
  • From the vagina there is only one leg;
  • lack of head during childbirth (only front paws);
  • The foals are limited in movements, its decelerated;
  • multiple breaks in the perineum female;
  • The absence of the last 2 hours after the birth of the baby (the remains of the fruit shell did not come out);
  • high body temperature;
  • cramps.

Timely diagnosis and measures taken by the veterinarian will reveal the exact cause of the problem and save the life of a foal or horse. What do you think you need to cause a veterinarian for childbirth? Yes, it is obligatory 0% No, you can cope on your own 0% Show results Voted: 0

Postpartum period

The postpartum period is the segment of the time from the release of the last to complete restoration of the health of the mare (when the involution of the urogenital system will end, etc.). Duration depends on feeding conditions, content, etc., but it lasts exactly before the onset of subsequent pregnancy.

Based on the physiology of horses, they are ready for mating 14-16 days after childbirth, but it takes more to the restoration of power - from 3 to 6 months.

Features of the first days of the postpartum period:

  • For the restoration of strength, 30-40 minutes is necessary;
  • After 60 minutes, it turns out;
  • The body will require drinking after 1.5-2 hours;
  • For 7-8 days, postpartum allocations are published;
  • For 18-20 days, the uterus is fully restored.

Horse care after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the mare needs special care, as she lost a lot of strength. What do we have to do:

  • When the horse rests, bring warm water with a rag and wash her body.
  • After water procedures, replace the litter on dry.
  • If the baby could not suck milk, be sure to come to mom. It is necessary to do it every one and a half hours (such a feeding mode of a baby).
  • Give cool (not cold) water with sugar (10 l 200 g).
  • Switch in 4-6 hours. Give fresh hay or bran, makeup.

Never take the cub, it will lead to a stressful situation.

Care for a newborn foal

Events for the care of the foal that has just appeared on the light begin with the moment of tieting the umbilical cord. What needs newborn - the actions of the horse owner:
  • Proceed the location of the umbilical cord by iodine with cotton sticks;
  • Write a towel:
  • Consider hay, due to which the blood supply will increase, the respiratory tract will open, the intestine will start functioning;
  • Place it to mother and her nipples;
  • If the baby does not show sucking reflexes, give him milk from the nipple - poke into the oral hole, feeding milk drops;

Make sure that after 2 hours the baby emptied. If it does not work, immediately call the branch.

Useful advice

Experienced farmers enjoy advice to help beginners who gathered to take birth at the horse. The rules that follow:

  • Apply to the udder stallion every 1.5-2 hours;
  • Daily change the litter;
  • twice a day, while the selection goes, wash the crotch;
  • Check the body temperature;
  • The first 2-3 times do not let large portions of food;
  • If you are not sure of your own, call the veterinarian;
  • Take childbirth better together, especially if the fruit is delayed after the break-free bubble break;
  • Do not disturb the mare 2 weeks after childbirth - do not force work, run.
How are the birth of a horse? 11607_5

Take birth to the horse for the first time is always scary, but experience comes with time, so at first we take a helper with you, carefully study the rules, prepare the mare at a timely manner / materials / room, consult with the veterinarian.

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