Ministry of Internal Affairs: the country has increased the number of accident victims - by 13.5 percent. Strengthens responsibility for drivers

Ministry of Internal Affairs: the country has increased the number of accident victims - by 13.5 percent. Strengthens responsibility for drivers 11606_1

"For the first time in recent years, the number of victims of autoavary (+ 13.5%) has increased (+ 13.5%). More children died (+ 15.8%), - reports the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - The problem with an accident through the fault of drunk drivers and "irregular free-free" "is relevant. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already invented a nontrivial way to combat a negative phenomenon - "proposals were made to strengthen responsibility for these acts."

Today in Minsk at the meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the results of the ministry in 2020 summarize. At this event, it was not voiced by no positive statistics. According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ivan Kubarakova, last year "The main accents were made on stabilizing the socio-political situation." It is noted that a lot of work has been done to ensure road safety, but this turned out to be clearly not enough. "

According to our observations, in the second half of the year the problem of road safety was allocated, to put it mildly, not of paramount importance. Considerable forces were distracted by the solution of others - non-accidental - tasks.

As for "making proposals for strengthening responsibility" for the accident due to drunk drivers and "irregularities", then at the moment they will bring them somewhere late. The new edition of the CACAP has already been signed. It is for weak intoxication (up to 0.8 ppm) offered to 100 b. in. And to deprive rights for three years, for a strong (more than 0.8 ppm) - to punish a fine in 200 b. in. And five years of deprivation of rights. For comparison: the Administrative Code in the current edition provides a fine of 50 to 100 basic with deprivation for three years.

In the Criminal Code also toughen the punishment for drunk accidents, changes are also fixed, the law is published. The maximum deprivation period of rights wants to increase to eight years (including for "repeat"). In addition, the term of deprivation of freedom for managing the car increases (part 4 of article 317 of the Criminal Code) in a state of intoxication, which caused death or serious bodily damage. Now such a period is up to 7 years without a lower limit, according to a new law - from 3 to 8 years.

All of these changes in the Administrative Code and Criminal Code will take effect this spring.

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