For every taste and age: 13 excellent audiobooks for New Year's holidays

For every taste and age: 13 excellent audiobooks for New Year's holidays 11521_1
For every taste and age: 13 excellent audiobooks for New Year's holidays Dmitry Eskin

Before the invention of gadgets and computer games it was believed that the book is the best gift that you can imagine, because it takes into another world, it gives the opportunity to distract from the ordinary, traveling along with heroes to other eras. Time Out and the International Storytel audiobook service collected a list of new audiobooks that are suitable for both calm listening alone and for warm family sites.

The advantage of audiobook is that you can combine listening with a walk through a snow-covered park or with a trip by car. Start with family fairy tales and children's stories, and when the children go on vacation to the grandmother, turn on what your soul wishes. Auditons are arranged in order from 0+ to 18+.

"Smurfs in the big city"


Fans of the cartoon about Smurfiki will surely like the newest from Storytel - translated into Russian audiobook of the Belgian multiplier Reo, the inventor of blue men. This time, tireless smuriffs are preparing for the "Blue Moon Holiday", but because of one small blunder, the evil magician Gargamel suddenly appears in Smurfidol. Smurfs flee themselves, but suddenly fall into the most real portal and turn out to be in a very strange world - the city of New York, where the sorcerel and his faithful assistant cat Azrael are chasing them. Will Dad Smurfik be able to return his leisurers home before they fall into the hargamel's paws?


Kids Rock Fest

The world's first audioler who explains the children of rock music on the fingers! Together with magic heroes - mediators playing with cool guitars and dreaming of their music with their music, readers will fall into a secret place - at the rehearsal base. It is there from the tree and iron that sounds are born, capable of reconcile even the sworn enemies. Music helps mediators Stand, Drops, Shakfin, Jazzi and Triggi to be released from the stories, and they will fall in them.

"Eight. August 32 "

Marina Yasinskaya

Tutta Larsen voiced the fantastic story about the girl Vika, who returned home to the usual expensive and suddenly fell in an eight. Once it was one, but now consists of world fragments separated by thick gloomy fog. Enchanted by surrounding her wonders, Vika meets the unusual inhabitants of Emighty and finds out about the existence of darkness - fearless wanderers who bring news from the same worlds to others. Wika, in order to get to the world of Quidam, because a person lives there who will help her to return to his mother. Together with the new friends, Vika goes on a trip, not even guessing how many dangers will meet on her way.

Audio "Catcher Pearl"

Go to the New Year's performance with the whole family in these holidays does not work out. But it does not matter, because instead of the theater presentation you can listen to the audiopect. Victoria Isakov and Maxim Matveyev read out loud a fairy tale "Pearl Catcher". The combination of a fascinating plot based on the Qatar Folklore, and the best traditions of the radio, the original script and sound effects immerse the listeners into the atmosphere of fabulous parable. Her main character is Ali's pearl catcher, persistence and power of the spirit of which helps him overcome all adversity.

The authors of the project - the International Agency Cultural Creative Agency, which unites different countries with art. The genre of a fairy tale for cultural dialogue chose because he since childhood is familiar to all people, regardless of education and nationality. Fairy tales allow us to return at the time when everything was easier, and the dreams seemed to be a reality. Now they can be heard in the audio format with the whole family!

"Vortex. Day when the world broke "

Anna Benning

Fantastic history about the girl Elaine - the debut of the young writer Anna Benning. Her book is compared with the novel "Hungry Games", because the main character also participates in the race - Vortex: Elaine will have to jump into the energy vortices, which once almost destroyed the world. Such a jump is dangerous for life, but if the heroine is lucky, it will fall from one place to another one moment. Elaine is already on the finish line, but suddenly it wakes up an unknown force in it, which exposes her life danger ...

House: Collection of stories in support of "Supreme Sports"

Dollarzkina, Ulitskaya, Salikova, Petrushevskaya, Bykov, Akunin, and another 17 writers asked to tell about the house and what associations they cause the topic of a homemade spot. It turned out 24 very different stories, united at home in the broadest sense of the word. One stories are artistic, other journalistic. Some have been written for a long time, others - quite recently, especially for the project. And all this in support of the charitable organization "Overnight" helps homeless. The project initiated the publishing house "Claudberry".

"When we've ever seen the last time."

Liv Konstantin

The heroine of this novel Kate was all that you can wish: family, wealth, our own home and a successful career. But everything changed when her mother found brutally killed in her own home. While Kate organized the funeral, someone sent her mysterious message: "Do you think you are sad now? When I get to you, you will regret what they did not bite you today. " Kate will have to enjoy the investigation of this confusing case threatening her own life ... What is needed to rinse the nerves on the holidays.

"On pornigla"

Gary Wilson

Sergey Chonishvili voiced nonfikshn from the scientist and speaker Tedx Gary Wilson on an acute topic - porno dependence. It causes real damage: personal life is declining, because there are not enough human relations for sexual satisfaction, more exotic and shocking videos are required. Drug addiction to drugs: some because of this, suicidal thoughts appear.

Wilson's book relies on the latest data of neuroscience and Addictology - the dependence science, as well as on interviews of those whose personal life is limited by the space of the Internet. Gary Wilson invites the reader to the frank conversation on an indiscreet topic, which should not be shy: everyone do it, but not everyone is ready to talk about it out loud. You can listen to audiobook at any time, the main thing is to wear headphones.

"Man at the helm"

Nina Stibbe

After the divorce of Lizzy's parents together with her mother, sister, brother and dog moved from a luxurious mansion in the center of London to the village. Around nature and tranquility, only the neighbors for some reason they touch gloomily, and Mom is busy with his own play. Sisters are already experiencing that they will be sent to the orphanage and decide to take care of the future in their hands. First you need to find a new dad. The action of the book takes place in the 1970s, when a single mother, albeit from the aristocratic kind, would not be perceived seriously. This witty novel by style resembles the "diaries of Adrian Moulogo" Townsend, "Jeeves and Worcester" Woodhouse and "My Family and other animals" Gerald Darrell. What is needed for a family trip to the cottage.

"If you hear this entry"

This audioserial consists of 10 stories told from the first person. You will hear a telephone conversation with the rescue service, while someone is trying to break into the house, get a voice recorder from the laboratory in the extreme north, where scientists have drilled the well there, where it should not, listen to the cassette, which warns from the fatal error. The frightening sounds of the knock on the door and intermittent breathing at the other end of the wire will be forced to believe in the realism of what is happening and create a full effect of presence. The main thing is not to turn off the light!

"Man with big future"

Abir Mukuredzh

The action of this audiobook takes place in 1919 in Calcutta, where opium yields and luxurious restaurants for the White Public are concentrated. The colony shocked the scandal: a high-ranking British official was found dead near the brothel, and a note sticks out from his mouth. According to the text it is clear that local terrorists stand behind his death, who threaten to get rid of all the British. It looks like - clearly political murder, but the newly-made captain of the city police Sam Wommer, who came to India quite recently, cannot get rid of suspicion that everything is much more difficult than it seems.

The first of the series of atmospheric historical detectives about the adventures of Widham and his Indian Assistant, Sergeant Bankerji on nicknamed disroximate - debut of the modern British writer of Indian origin.


K. J. Sans

After the 20th century and India are transferred to the age of XVI, in England. Summer 1541, the King of England Henry VIII, concerned about the attempted rebellion, is going to go to the north of the kingdom to visit York and prevent possible repetition of the rebound. Matthew Shardlayik, a member of the royal suite, goes on the road in advance with the secret task to deliver to London the organizer of a failed insurgency. Together with the assistant, they will settle in the Abbey of St. Mary, which should be the temporary residence of the king.

This is where a series of mysterious incidents begins. First, the stained glass is the Master Oldrdroyd. When examining the house of the killed, a cache with a box containing vintage documents was detected. The next victim is Shardlak himself. From the strike on the head, it loses consciousness, and the found papers capable of shed light on the heads of conspiracy disappear. Chardlayka is not compared with famous fictional detectives - Sherlock Holmes, Erkühul Poiro, Niro Wolf and Megre Commissioner.

"Biohaknaya: how to keep health under control to feel 100%"

Artem Goldman, Alexey Unnamed

The Alpina Didjital Publisher presents the results of a semi-annual experiment on Biohaking - improving the quality of life - which decided to check the Russian businessman Artem Goldman on himself. Under the leadership of the doctor, Alexei Unnamed Goldman experienced different practices, carefully fixing all the indicators. After listening to this audiobook, you will learn about the modern health management technologies, hear the advice of scientists and athletes, "drop" in the questionnaire of experienced biohakers, and also get useful practical exercises for their own experiments to improve life.

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