Collectors from "Sber" began to use the technology of recognition of the emotions of borrowers

Collectors from

The Collector Agency "ACTIBUSINESSONCSALT", which is a subsidiary of Sberbank, announced the use of new technology, allowing to analyze the voice of borrowers. With its help, the company's experts will be able to consider the emotions of debtors, which will make it possible to form the most optimal scenario to maintain further dialogue.

Technology developer - VS Robotics company, which is a "daughter" "ACTIVE CONSULT". According to the head of the collector agency Dmitry Teplitsky, studies in the field of human emotion recognition have been held for almost three years, but only in December 2020 the relevant technology began to find ubiquitous use.

The technology, as reported to the "AC-Consult", has already been integrated into the software that use the Call Center specialists. The program writes a person's voice, analyzes, determining one of the seven varieties of reactions: joy, surprise, anger, irritation, despondency, fear, neutrality.

After analysis, the call center operator is provided with a result, with which a specialist will be able to build the most appropriate strategy for further conversation. The experiment conducted showed that technology with good accuracy determines the age of a person by voice.

Dmitry Teplitsky spoke as follows about the use of emotion recognition technology: "Implemented technology, as test tests have shown, does not affect the contact of borrowers, but at the same time we are observing the quality of the quality of the calls performed by our specialists. I would like to say that the leadership of the "Sale" technology also liked. It is confident that with its help in the future it will be possible to form a complete emotional portrait of a person in a voice, to determine the level of its satisfaction, which will make it possible to form the most optimal options for building dialogues. "

The media report that "Sber" for 2021 wants to introduce human emotion recognition technology by a number of pilot projects implemented. For example, it is planned to be actively used in the collector's robot. In addition, the company "ACTING CONSULT" wants to put his technology for sale so that other interested firms can buy it. Among possible buyers are Russian banks and other types of financial institutions.

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