Digital ruble: the main risks of its introduction on the territory of the Russian Federation

Digital ruble: the main risks of its introduction on the territory of the Russian Federation 11328_1

Experts of the Russian e-school and Skolkovo presented a list of risks of introducing a digital ruble in the coming years. The concept of a new form of currency proposed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is estimated at 5 points out of 10, and the level of demand in the population on it is only 2 points.

Experts are convinced that the main problem of the introduction of a digital ruble will be the fact that the Bank of Russia will automatically lose in this case the role of an independent participant in Domestic Finnish. A new currency form also in a number of situations will provide serious pressure on commercial organizations.

Experts also note the high probability that the digital ruble is simply unclaimed by the population of Russia and legal entities, government agencies. The corresponding conclusions are presented in the report "Digital currencies of central banks: typology, design, Russian specificity".

Experts of the Russian e-school and Skolkovo stated that the process of introducing a digital ruble in Russia has a huge number of possible motives. First of all, political reasons are called - for example, more innovative Central Bank countries increase their role in the global economy. Also within the framework of the report, economic and social motives were voiced - with the help of a digital ruble, it will be possible to minimize illegal transactions and reduce the risks of theft of money.

The list of major risks of introducing a digital ruble, the specialists of the Russian e-school and Skolkovo include:

  • Involvement Central Bank of the Russian Federation to the market for the provision of financial services. Because of this, the state regulator automatically loses the role of an independent market participant, undermines confidence in him as the performer of regulatory functions.
  • Non-optimal resources for the introduction of a new currency form, because the target audience already has the necessary number of proposals in the financial market.
  • Start Competition Central Bank of the Russian Federation with market proposals of financial services. If the Finnish is saturated, the introduction of a digital ruble "has an existing impact on the processes of innovative development of the industry, as well as unnecessary pressure on commercial organizations."

At the same time, experts of the Russian e-school and Skolkovo called the domestic project of the digital ruble "quite innovative, many details of which are still being developed." In the event that the digital ruble is proposed as a solution similar to the existing types of financial services, then the high level of demand is not worth it, as stated in the report.

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