There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release

There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_1
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_2
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_3
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_4
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_5
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_6
There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release 11237_7

A quick glance at this car so that Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Impala 60s immediately pop up in memory. The owner of the car assures - another Opel Ascona in Belarus is not exactly found. Onliner decided to find out what this instance is so notable and why it is now sold.

Where all all began

Minsk resident Sergey acquired this Opel in February 2015 for $ 300. "I found in the village near Minsk, I wanted to make A la Mascar from the" bar for pumping "or" Furçazh ". I myself, by education, the lawyer, the relationship to cars at that time did not have any, so I did not even imagine what and how to do, - tells the owner of the car. - And the works had to have a lot, as I bought, in fact, only the body. He was restored (albeit with a broken wing), but besides him, there was nothing alive and there was not a serious refinement, everything needed significant changes. "

Remains of being magnitude

Sergei removed the bulk of the details from "donors", which was already five pieces - four Ascona and one Senator. "Donors" found rotting under the trees in some villages, "recalls the owner. - This is generally the main problem of these cars - strongly rust. Although I was lucky in this regard. The man who recovered the body before me (the garage of this craftsman, by the way, is directly opposite to mine, there are coincidences), so well it was welded that it was almost possible to swim on it. No joke, excellent work. "

"During the search for" donors "I gave the owners a hundred dollars and saw the cars right there in place," the young man continues. "Then he loaded the necessary details into the car (as a daily day, I've been Opel Vectra for 12 years) and took off. The very first "donor" was Ascona 400 - the rally version of the usual sedan. The rarest car is now, in Germany, sales start from $ 40 thousand. Detected it under wolane - along the window bonding in the swamp. Of course, I did not have the idea what I found it. There were original bumpers, spoiler, dashboard, steering wheel, salon (torn, but still), as well as a unique 2,4 liter engine in a disassembled state. I took the wings, spoiler, bumpers, drop-shaped mirrors, discs (I had to dig a car to get to them) and any little thing. I realized my mistake much later, after I was talked with the Yary Asscona fans. They also told me what kind of wing I discovered. "

Just married

A romantic history is connected with this car. "I met my future wife a few months after I bought Ascona," Sergey shares. - It was May 2015. At the same time, I first started my "bar for pumping", which caused me a storm of emotions. At that moment, the car, of course, was not too impressive - somehow working a two-liter carburetor motor, which Gloh on each traffic light due to the fact that the candles poured; The missing exhaust pipe ... In this form, I drove up to the house of my future spouse. She, to put it mildly, was surprised, but sat in the car, and we went. What to say, I have impressions from that trip me remained. And when the car was finalized, he fulfilled his dream - he went on him with his wife from the wedding and went on a journey through Belarus. It was just like a movie. It's funny, in fact that the recovery ended just to my wedding, in 2019. Very symbolic. "

Unique car?

In the process of recovery, Sergey sought maximum authenticity. In this, he said, and the uniqueness of the car is. "There are simply no such Ascona in Belarus," he says. - Almost all the details are original, except except exhaust pipe and speakers in the rear shelf. This is a clean classic, pure retro, without any collective farm enclosures. "

The feature of this Opel model is that without a thick bridge and a five-speed manual gearbox, a car with a 2 liter engine and can no longer drive faster than 90 km / h. "Everyone who wants to restore Ascona needs to take into account this moment," explains Sergey. - just do not sit so and you will not go. It is necessary to change the bridge, and the checkpoint, to make contactless ignition. Initially, there was a gasoline engine of 1.3 liters. The previous owner replaced it to a two-liter, but the bridge did not change the box, so the engine "burned". I did everything, I put the injection engine with a volume of 2.2 liters (with a capacity of 115 liters.), And then the car went 180 km / h. Motors here are generally surprisingly changing, because the unit has all the common. Also installed sports suspension, rigid springs and shock absorbers, so it is possible to fift it normally, and the drag is rided. I went a couple of times in the sticky at the competition. As the car behaved before the changes and how it became after - the difference is huge. "

There are other chips from the model. For example, the front air ducts blow straight from the street, without any ventilation. And to replace the radio and put the radio, I had to cut the body under the torpedo. Another joke - the fuel tank is right in the trunk. And what is the cost?

In total, the restoration of Ascona in Sergey went about $ 2500. For the same car and sold. "The car itself was originally worth $ 300," says the owner. - SENATOR I bought for $ 150, removed the engine, and then sold the car for parts for $ 250. At ASCONA 400, I went about $ 100, the spoiler from this model I later sold for $ 80 (I decided to do without it), and casting for $ 100. Irmscher body kit, which on eBay exhibit for $ 1000, I gave a man for $ 30. Drop-shaped mirrors exchanged for spare parts. Plus, in the garage there are still many parts lies. The remaining three Ascona, which I used as "donors" bought for $ 300 in the amount. All works related to the engine came out at $ 100, as I paid for the welding of the exhaust system. Overhaul suspension - $ 200. KPP I bought for $ 50, the rear axle - for $ 40, the original dermatop salon and the right wing - for $ 80, BBS discs for $ 250. For the ceiling oversaver, the original cloth gave $ 150, for bumpers - $ 30. Finally, Painting cost me $ 1000. That's all mathematics. "

"What is interesting, silent blocks, steering traction, levers, cardan are not consumables, ads on the sale of such parts for ASCONA in the afternoon with fire, do not find the car owner. - Just unnecessary elements. When calculated, I did not take into account the moments when it was torn with an old two-liter engine, because it cannot be called an improvement. Restoration was engaged in himself. For help to his friends-motorists addressed only in cases where the situation required. "

Sergey decided to sell the car because she embodied all the ideas related to her: "In Germany, such Ascona - restored and in the original condition - are sold from $ 8,000. The only difference is that their native motors of 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.0 or 2.4 liters should stand there. My engine is still not native, albeit from a similar line. He was put, for example, on Opel Rekord. I sell my Ascona here for $ 2500, but people still do not fully understand the value of this car. This is a retro, a rare car is not for every day. Unfortunately, for many Belarusians an old car means "cheap unit to carry potatoes in the village." Call and offered $ 500, say that this is the maximum price for my car. Even at the Grodno Sunday Festival, where I traveled in 2018, the Soviet auto industry wins in competitions, which on the SIS, to put it mildly, quite a few. And really rare models do not receive a proper response. It's a shame. "

All those wishing to restore any old car Sergey gives two advice: "First, there must be a garage. Although leased, even old, but there must be room. And secondly, you need to leave. Many people talk to themselves in the spirit "That's when everything is perfect, everything will be ready, then ride." With such thinking nothing will happen. Moments spent driving are best motivated to work further. I know by yourself. "

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