Ryazan region has 3rd place for the disclosures of crimes in the Central Federal District, but in Russia as a whole - only 25th

Ryazan region has 3rd place for the disclosures of crimes in the Central Federal District, but in Russia as a whole - only 25th 11169_1

An expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region was held, at which the results of the operational and official activities of the internal affairs of the region in 2020 were summed up.

According to the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Ryazan Region Andrei Krasnova, in 2020, the number of registered crimes decreased by 2.2% (from 10250 in 2019 to 10023 in 2020). The number of grave and especially grave encroachments (from 2811 to 2492) decreased (from 2811 to 2492), including 26.1% perfect on the streets (from 436 to 322).

During the 2020, the number of the following types of crimes:

- causing grievous harm to health by 30.5% (from 105 to 73) and harm to the health of the middle severity by 28% (from 107 to 77),

- robber attacks by 37.9% (from 29 to 18),

- robberies by 13.2% (from 258 to 224),

- theft is 15.8% (from 3429 to 2888), including 13.4% apartments (from 714 to 618) and 14.5% stores (from 539 to 461).

The disclosure of crimes amounted to 59.3%, which corresponds to the 3rd place in the Central Federal District and the 25th place in Russia; In grave and especially grave crimes - 49.3% (24th place in Russia and 5 in the Central Federal District).

Criminal liability was attracted by 45 participants in organized criminal groups, including eight organizers. Investigated and sent to court a criminal case on charges of 26 members of the criminal organization "" engaged in illegal sale of drugs in the Ryazan region.

6.5% increased the number of identified economic crimes. 13.6% were more documented for criminal cases in the field of economic activity, by 105% - in the consumer market and 88.9% more - in the field of fuel and energy complex. Also documented 59 bribery facts. During the opposition of illegal migration, they revealed 25.5% more crimes.

In 2020, thanks to the measures taken, it was possible to stabilize the road situation. The total number of accidents decreased by 14.8% (from 1829 to 1558). 23% less than in 2019 who died in an accident (184 against 239) and 16.4% less - those who were injured (2095 against 2506). By 6.8% less drivers who were drunk drunk, by 17.3% (from 226 to 187), the number of accidents committed with the participation of drivers who were in a state of alcohol intoxication were decreased.

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