Think your head: 5 tips, how not to become a victim of fake news


From the fakes in social networks now there is no pen. Mailing like reports about syringes with AIDS in the toilets of shopping centers can still be perceived as obviously false information. But with what you find yourself - much more difficult. Scientists find out that people trust information from close friends much more than authoritative sources. Therefore, sometimes some news on emotions perceive how the truth, even if it is not so.

We share with you a few simple, but not always obvious advice, how to avoid fakes in social networks.

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Be sure to check everything

Even if the information shared a close person - make a couple of clicks in Google to make sure of her truthfulness. If you find confirmation of at least several authoritative sources, then you can calm down. Factacheking in 2021 is extremely important.

Check out this inventive fake about a dangerous attraction in South Korea, on which supposedly people are discharged on cables from a huge height, and then spin. In fact, it is just a free fall tower, which, rotating, rises up, and then sharply descends down. And it was easy to check in the search engine.

Connect critical thinking

Try to evaluate the information from all sides, make sure its logic, arguments and reliability of sources from which it is taken from. Sometimes, if you once again look at the news or history, you can see non-stalking or working out any agenda.

Look at this photo and ask yourself a question: who could allow girls on this photo to climb to the Kremlin Tower and light fires there? And the media has been replicated as a pure coin, so far the reports themselves have not recognized that it is a fake.

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Do not be biased to information

If some information contradicts your beliefs, then you instinctively begin to perceive it in the bayonets. So the human brain is arranged. But in such situations, it is necessary to carefully comprehend the receiving info and be able to filter the fakes, throwing their beliefs and preferences.

Limit the knowingly false info in your ribbons.

If you know that someone from your loved ones or colleagues is very dubious convictions, and they are not shy to post them regularly in our social networks, then just encourage notifications about their new posts. Yes, there will be no problems with the spread of them of fakes, but your life will become much easier.

Control emotions

Any information must be perceived with a cold head. If you are from doom, fear or anger are ready to perceive the fake for truth, it can occur unconsciously. But do not give in to emotions, turn on logic and critical thinking, and appreciate the information obtained as objectively and unbiased.

It is worth remembering the tragedy in the shopping center "Winter Cherry", when rumors were sprawling about 300 dead. But in fact it turned out to be a fake, challenged by the Ukrainian Pranker. No matter how hard it was, in such a situation, the main thing was to keep emotions and wait for official information of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We wrote about what happened in Kemerovo here.

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