Stem pests of fruit trees


    Stem pests are called insects, due to which wood and plants are damaged. The presence of pests in the garden is most often unnoticed while the tree does not lose its attractiveness. In addition, they are carriers of many infectious diseases affecting plants. It is important to detect danger in a timely manner and immediately take effective measures.

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    Stem pests of fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Stem pests of fruit trees. (Photo used from

    Usually stem insects attack trees, already weakened by diseases, abnormal weather (continuous drought, cold rains). The immunity of plants also suffers from the influence of industrial waste, close to groundwater, damage to the root system. There are types of pests that settle and strong healthy plants.

    Most of the stem pests are oligophages. This means that they try to choose trees that are already weakened. In this case, the plant highlights special substances that easily capture insects. To find out that the parasite is present on the site, according to the following features:

    1. Partial or complete drying of the branches.
    2. On the hung slices of the crust, the drawing of numerous insect moves is clearly visible.
    3. Mass of input and outlet holes on the trunk.
    4. Presence on a tree stamper and under it small wood sawdust - drilling flour.
    5. The presence of pests themselves trying to sprinkle a bark and get to the trunk.

    There are various measures that prevent the spread of hazardous stem insects:

    1. Clean the garden from dried branches and falcan trees.
    2. In the remaining green healthy crops, it is hammered, that is, remove the bark and the threads affected by pests.
    3. If in the garden, as well as in the forest area adjacent to it, a coroede joined, it is better to use the services of specialists in protecting plants. They will select the desired insecticidal drug, which will help in the fight against insects.

    The prevention of stem insect attacks is regular inspections of plantings, their whitewash, processing biological means, garden sanitary cleaning (timely removal of plant residues, dry and sick branches).

    To the treasures, eating the inner part of the tree, include beetles from the family of severe, crusts, usachi, gribers, as well as antifree butterflies, birch core flies, etc.

    This insect is a fairly serious threat to trees, as wood enters their diet. The osyach family includes 17 thousand types of beetles, which are called still by woodcutters.

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    Stem pests of fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Beetles-Usachi. (Photo used from

    This is a small insect insect black with a blue-green overflow. The brightest sign is the long mobile mustache, the size of which is 2, or even 5 times, exceeds the body length. Beetles feed on pestles and stamens of fruit plants, as well as a young bark. The greatest harm is brought by the larvae of these insects. They inside the wood tear up wide and long moves. In addition, the larvae can settle not only in trees, but also in any wooden garden facilities.

    For garden protection, mechanical means and biological insecticides are used. In the summer, insects shake on the litter, after which they destroy. Also used "lepyocide". This is a biological insecticide, which needs to spray plants during the growing season every week to destroy several generations of pests.

    This is one of the most common pests on the planet, only several thousand types of insect live in our country. Beetles got a name due to a thin curved trunk, which is located on the front of the head. Their size does not exceed 4 mm, the color is gray-brown.

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    Stem pests of fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Weevils. (Photo used from

    Weights winter in the cracks of the cortex, under the leaves, and early in spring, as soon as the air temperature is set at a mark of +6 degrees, they begin their active activity.

    The harm is applied both adult insects and their larvae. They are able to quickly destroy a tree or bush, drinking their bark, kidney and leaves. The development of larvae passes under the crust in soft or solid wood.

    This is a small insect, the maximum length of which is 2.5 cm. It eats a young bark of fruit trees, their kidneys and leaves. Because of the cereal, summer leaffall is often begins, as the beetle damages the leaves of the leaves.

    The larvae do their moves in the roots of the plant, because of which the seedlings can perish. It is possible to determine the wood eating pests in appearance. If sprinkled holes have an oval form, then this pest lives here.

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    Stem pests of fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Beetles-hustles. (Photo used from

    Grocery beetle is a very attractive insect. There are views with red, green, Bronze Taurus. Some beetles on the caller are spots. These beetles can be of different sizes, from small - 2 mm, to medium - 30 mm, less often large.

    To prevent the appearance of this pest, you need to remove plant residues from the site on time. It should also spray plants with biological insecticides. The greatest effectiveness was shown in this "Bitoxibatsillin". Processing is carried out 2 times with an interval of 7 days.

    Coroede is a dangerous pest who is able to cause great damage in the garden in a short time, destroying a large number of trees and turning them into the trunk.

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    Stem pests of fruit trees Maria Verbilkova

    Coroede. (Photo used from

    This is a beetle size up to 1 cm. It can be black, brown or brown. Almost all the time the cores are carried out on the trees. And the adult pest, and the larvae tear down the moves in the tree under the crust. This leads to drying branches. Parasites are also often caused by the death of the entire plant.

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