Homeless pregnant cat sneaked into the entrance and gave birth to kittens in a baby stroller


Karina Finnish noted that her cat really misses the house in the absence of owners. And then she decided to have a second purr with his family so that pets were not bored.

And soon after that, Karina noticed the news about a kitty in the news feed, which gave birth to kittens in someone else's entrance by climbing the pram! There was a winter and strong frost on the street, so there was nowhere to go to the poor man. But fortunately, the news quickly scattered around the district and soon the young mother was taken by volunteers.

Homeless pregnant cat sneaked into the entrance and gave birth to kittens in a baby stroller 10949_1
Photo source: vk.com/pitomecizpriuta

Cat was called Solan. She helped to refill kittens, but the problems of the unfortunate purr have not yet ended. She was still strongly allegedly, while she lived on the street, and because of this, the dairy glands had to operate.

When Solan's kittens have grown up, they began to show interest in people and purrab when they were taken on the handles. But my mother did not go to contact with a man. She clogged into the corner and hiped from fear, trying to give everyone, who stretched her hand to her ...

Homeless pregnant cat sneaked into the entrance and gave birth to kittens in a baby stroller 10949_2
Photo source: vk.com/pitomecizpriuta

Soon the kittens were attached in good hands, and Solana was completely alone. And then Karina thought that he would take this unlike cat to her home! Animal curators warned a girl about the fact that the Pitomic has a complex character, she needs special nutrition and care. But the Karina family firmly decided to give the baby a chance!

The first time of Solana hid under the cabinet and singing, swearing on the new owners and their cat, who expressed a desire to meet. I had to put food and trawl next to her shelter so that she would go and drank.

Homeless pregnant cat sneaked into the entrance and gave birth to kittens in a baby stroller 10949_3
Photo source: vk.com/pitomecizpriuta

A week later, a cat is a little osmalela and started moving around the apartment. She met the cat and even began to play with him, but here Karina and her relatives still did not let me ...

Since then, a year has passed! Thanks to the love and limitless patience of new owners of Solana, it became a happy homemade cat. She finally found out what human warmth is, and now often comes to Karina at night to sleep at her feet.

Love creates the most real wonders! Agree?

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