Vladimir Zhirinovsky announced, to what term he intends to occupy leadership positions


Vladimir Zhirinovsky announced, to what term he intends to occupy leadership positions 10942_1
Vladimir Zhirinovsky announced, to what term he intends to occupy leadership positions

On March 2, the head of the LDPR Party gave an interview in the broad airline radio "says Moscow". In the process of discussion, Vladimir Zhirinovsky noted that they have already written a statement of deregistration from May 1, 2036.

At the age of 90, the current leader of the LDPR intends to resign.

Zhirinovsky referred to the fact that on March 2, 90 years old, Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and he himself will only be fifteen years old - April 25, 2036, and at that age he definitely does not intend to occupy leadership posts.

Zhirinovsky also stated that he did not see anything bad to "give the road" to promising candidates, ready to occupy senior positions, including the position of head of the party.

About the last Vladimir Zhirinovsky told in more detail. According to him, the question of his removal from the governing office is set every time, but, nevertheless, the party "does not let go". Nevertheless, when someone will appear in the party ranks, who "matures" to take place Zhirinovsky, he will give way and leaving a well-deserved pension.

According to the leader of the LDPR, there are already many young deputies in the party, which adopted themselves, but, unfortunately, the press does not pay due attention to them.

By affecting Gorbachev's policies, Zhirinovsky noted that the cause of the collapse of the USSR was not only the figure of the Secretary General, but also the policy of the ruling party. The leader of the LDPR is confident that the one-party regime is the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union, because Gorbachev did not come to power himself: in any case, the party leadership and a huge number of communists throughout the country supported.

On the air, the head of the LDPR affected the topic of sanctions against Russia. Zhirinovsky believes that sanctions should be answered by even more stringent sanctions, first of all trade, so that the opponent "was not happily" to punish Russia in a similar way. In Russia, according to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, there are also ways that can be influenced by the United States and European countries.

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