Lyulin: For active young people with good education, career features are open

Lyulin: For active young people with good education, career features are open 10916_1

The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Evgeny Lyulin took part in the meeting of the round table "Modern Science and Education in the context of the implementation of youth policy", dedicated to the Day of Russian Science, February 8, the press service of the Regional Parliament reports.

The event took place in the "boiling point" NNU them. N.I. Lobachevsky. The participants of the discussion were the Vice-Rector for the scientific work of NNU Mikhail Ivanchenko, director of the Institute of International Relations and World History (IMOMI) NNU Mikhail Rychik, teachers and students.

The current issues of education and science were discussed, a competence approach in education, organizing practitioners and the implementation of competencies of political scientists in a professional environment.

"A modern education must teach learn, be always ready to realize yourself, including in the related specialty, have different competencies. Learn it is necessary to learn all your life to always meet the requirements of the time and labor market, change the spheres of activity. This is a matter of education and a matter of youth policy. It is clear that overnight does not solve the problem. We need measures of financial and economic, organizational and management, information and analytical, personnel, scientific and legal nature. Work in this direction is conducted. The federal law "On Youth Policy" was adopted, since 2020, the decision of the federal government in regional universities is increasing the number of budget places, "said Evgeny Lyulin.

The regional parliament speaker said that today the necessary tools for self-realization are created at the regional level.

"For more than ten years, the youth parliament has been working at the legislative assembly. Its participants are engaged in serious affairs - participate in the preparation and evaluation of regulatory legal acts. Members of the youth parliament are constantly working on amendments to regional and federal laws. In 2020, the guys organized a discussion of the draft federal law "On Youth Policy". Implemented many projects of anti-corruption, educational, cultural, patriotic orientation. The youth parliament became the starting platform for young Nizhny Novgorod politicians. The Legislative Assembly is interested in the fact that young experts participate in rulemaking. With all the leading universities of the region, cooperation agreements were concluded. The Basic Department of State and Municipal Administration was established joint efforts in the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management of Ranjigsis. I think our meeting will initiate the cooperation of the Legislative Assembly with the Institute of International Relations and the World History of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. For active young people with good education, career opportunities were opened, "Evgeny Lyulin stressed.

For the development of cooperation, it is planned to develop and expand such a direction as the practice of students in the Legislative Assembly, attract experts from the regional parliament to work within the framework of educational programs as profile specialists, and scientists of the NNU - as experts during the work of the meeting committees. It is also planned to actively attract students and teachers within the framework of the youth parliament under the legislative assembly to develop a Nizhny Novgorod program for the participation of deputies and employees of the Parliament as a tutorial for especially talented students on the basis of the competition and create platforms for cooperation between the Legislative Assembly and NNU students.

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