Juliana Karaulova reported his pregnancy


Julianna Karaulova told fans that he would soon become mom. The joyful news of the singer shared in his instagram.

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Julianna Karaulova, photo: starhit.ru

The artist starred in the video, in which no longer hides the decently rounded belly. She appeared in front of fans in Beige Bodi and jeans. On the face of the star shines a happy smile. In the post to publication, the performer wrote about the rapid motherhood.

I share with you this news with such joy.

The clip is already waiting for you on YouTube. Link in the header of the profile ? # is a chance

Original (Yulianna_Karaulova)

Star colleagues hurried to congratulate the future mother.

"Finally, ?? ? ? Language is free",

- writes Natalia Podolskaya, which, apparently, knew about the interesting position of Karauloy.

"Julianochka, dear, what happiness!",

- Miscellaneous singer Zara.


- comments on Rita Dakota.

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Julianna Karaulova. Photo: Kudago.com.

Joined congratulations and Folloviers Julianna. However, they were also those who doubted the real pregnancy of the artist.

"Julianna, I hope the tummy does not invoice", "Guys, for the clip", "... no one understood the joke with an overhead belly",

- Doubts Network users doubt.

The hostess of the page on the comments has not yet answered.

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Andrei Black and Juliana Karaulova, photo: fb.ru

Recall that in 2017 Karaulova received an offer of his hand and hearts from the sound-producer Andrei Black. However, the wedding has not yet taken place.

"The perfect wedding for me is a cheerful party abroad (so that guests do not rush somewhere in cases). And the dress I want discreet and very simple. We planned a holiday in Georgia, but then changed my mind. In fact, we are both doing my career. Andrei I really helps me, so we decided to postpone the celebration until we can enjoy the moment and kayfood from the preparation, "

- said the star.

Meanwhile, Tatyana Bruukhunova first commented on rumors about her new pregnancy. And Marina Alexandrova told how fighting with stress and called the main secret of her beauty. In addition, the names of all participants of the "mask" were merged into the network - Kirkorov's jaw had disappeared.

Do you like the work of Julianna Karaulova? Write your opinion in the comments.

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