"I needed this test." Figures in the case of the "Electronic Travel" recognized their guilt


On March 15, in the Pervomaisky district court, Kirov considered criminal cases of the two defendants in the embezzlement of the "Electronic Travel" - the former Director of the Organization of Anatoly Gansy and the ex-head of the Central Dispatch Service Dmitry Nikulina. At the meeting, both of them read the charge.

Judicial processes for each fear pass are separately. Dmitry Nikulin at the trial acknowledged his guilt and stated that he had already begun to reimburse the damage. He paid about 700 thousand rubles.

"I want to ask for forgiveness from the countrymen," said Dmitry Nikulin to the portal "Business News". - especially in their voters who believed in me with which we worked for a long time. It was very, a lot of plans, with whom I let down. Given acts. This is what I wanted to say.

Dmitry Nikulin explained that he worked as a forwarding driver, now sells sawmills. He stated that he was ready for any court decision.

"The career was good, and the prospect was, and with people opened to work," Nikulin remembered his last life. - God knows him. So, it means there must be, and for all thanks to God. I needed this test, because ... It would be worse than 50 years after 50 years to get into such millstones. Better now. There is also an opportunity to start life.

The trial in the case of Dmitry Nikulina is planned for two meetings.

"I needed this test." Figures in the case of the "Electronic Travel" recognized their guilt

In parallel, a meeting was held on the case of Anatoly Gansy. He also stated that he recognizes guilt and repents in the deed, reportsNewsler.ru. At the trial, Gangle said that he began working in the "electronic pass", because he experienced serious financial difficulties.

"Therefore, I agreed to fulfill the orders of Rybolovlev and Nikulina, who oversaw the CDS and the" electronic travel ". Nikulin had connections in the city administration, which allowed him to effectively conduct business. I did not know about the part of illegal payments, I did not receive income from them, but only signed. I feared to lose work, so I could not refuse, "said Anatoly Gangle.

  • In December 2019, the Pervomaisky District Court sentenced the case of the embezzlement of the "Electronic Direct" money. The judge appointed Oleg Chichibabin for three years in the colony of the general regime and deprived him of the right to hold leadership positions in local governments for a period of two years. Anatoly Ganuba was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months of imprisonment, Alexander Rybolovlev - by 3 years and 7 months, Dmitry Nikulina - by 3.5 years.
  • In February 2020, the Kirov Regional Court abolished the verdict to the defendants of the case on the "electronic pass", returned the case of the prosecutor's office "to eliminate the obstacles to his consideration by the court" and decided to free the accused from custody.
  • In April 2020, in the case of the former Kirov mayor of Vladimir Bykov, the episode associated with theft of the "electronic passing" money was born. According to the investigation, in 2010-2018, an ex-officer as part of an organized group kidnapped the MO "City of Kirov" and "Electronic Travel" in the amount of at least 34 million rubles: contracts for the purchase of goods, the production of works and the provision of services were to have an overpriced .

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