Body language: What do 7 common posts for sleep mean


Sleep is a huge part of human life. High-quality rest helps to work better and enjoy everyday affairs.

Each person prefers to sleep in a certain pose, and they all have their own meaning, because it is in a dream that the unconscious part of our psyche is manifested.

We decided to consider the 7 most popular posts for sleep: what they mean and what health hazards are hidden.


Sleeping in such a squeezed pose speaks about the desire of a person to show its significance and self-afford. Perhaps this is a person with an overwhelmed self-esteem, accustomed to dominate others.

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But it is worth noting that the uncertainty and various complexes are most often hiding behind such self-confidence. Therefore, it is better to be as tactical in communication with such personalities.

For the person himself, to sleep in a similar body of the body can be quite comfortable, which you can not say about the partner on the bed ...

On the side

One of the most common posts for sleep, which reports a lot about a person. Researchers noticed that preferring this posture people are very open and sociable.

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If the dream passes alternately on one, then on the other side - this indicates a person's ability to adapt to the circumstances. Such personalities are characterized by good skills in communication, have a large circle of friends and are open to everything new.

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On stomach

Doctors and cosmetologists converge in the opinion that it is quite harmful to sleep on the stomach. The spine is in voltage, blood circulation and breathing is hampered. Such a posture of 100% leads to the emergence of early wrinkles and other skin problems.

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Experts also note that the dream on the abdomen indicates strong fatigue. Turning to the back of the world, the man tries to concentrate on vacation and is separated from any external factors.

Often, people fall asleep in such a posture is not at home when the situation around is uncomfortable or unusual.

Hands under the pillow or on the stomach

Regardless of the position of the body, the Trokan in a dream of a pillow or abdomen is an important signal.

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Sleep in an embrace with a pillow may indicate the need for bodily contact. The option is not excluded that such behavior in a dream helps to drown anxiety and cope with obsessive thoughts.

If a person often wakes up in such a posture, it is worth thinking about what internal experiences he regularly suppresses.

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Not the most natural body position, when the hands of a person are stretched along the seams, and the back is straight. Such a dream is characteristic of people clamped in their concerns and problems.

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Pose testifies to readiness instantly jump and start something to do. It happens to those who are in anticipation of important morning matters from the evening.

Sleep researchers note that it is impossible to relax and sleep in such a posture. If the dream in it is rare, then there is nothing terrible in it. But if this is the norm - it is better to contact the specialists who will help to cope with the alarm.


People often reflect on something or dream, laid hands behind her head. Some people manage to sleep in such a posture.

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Such a body position suggests that a person is involved in and likes to affect philosophical topics in conversations with others. These personalities may differ in slowness in decision-making and actions. This is explained by the high level of care and reluctance to make mistakes.

Long-term found in this posture may end up the upper limbs. It is better to choose another body position for sleep, and the "philosopher" leave for dreams.


Sleep type on side. The data of the British Professor Chris Idzikovski indicate that most of the planet people sleep in this pose.

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It is believed that the position of the body during the rest indicates a subconscious desire will be returned to childhood and about the need for protection. Sleep in such a posture may indicate the desire to get comfort and disturbing person anxiety.

Experts also note that the posture is very convenient from a physiological point of view - this is how the embryo is in the womb.

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And what post to sleep you prefer? Tell us about it in the comments!

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