DMX: A selection of the best hits ...

DMX: A selection of the best hits ... 10783_1

Top main hits from DMX!

Do you know the best DMX songs, which, in fact, did a loud name? Earl Simmons, better known as DMX - American rapper and actor. Six his albums in a row debuted on the first line of the Billboard 200 hit parade, which is an unprecedented phenomenon ... DMX flatly refused to get a failure. He was growling, ledal and pounded on the door of the production room, until they were let the "dog". His first track "Born Loser" Native Mount Vernon released in 1992. Make a Move followed, but not a world success ... But everything has changed in 1998, with the release of IT's Dark and Hell IS HOT album, which died with a circulation of more than 4 million copies around the world ... later Flesh of MY was released Flesh, Blood of My Blood and ... And then There Was X, who repeated the success of the debut! Today, DMX is talking about the first artist with two platinum albums released in the same year.

DMX: A selection of the best hits ... 10783_2
Raper DMX

The richness of DMX does not explain its popularity, but there were many reasons for which his music found a response. His coarse voice, sullen and smoky wheezing, is the whole image, the style was unmistakable. The intensity and charisma of his speeches never weakened, which was heard in every literal lever and lae, in every shocking cry ... and in popular singles, such as "Ruff Ryders Anthem" and "Party Up (Up In Here), DMX chose such same aggressive and loud bits, as well as its own performance. DMX also offers a convincing duality. He was hard and vulnerable, physically disadvantageous, but clearly a broken person whom the traumatic childhood was pursued. Albums, supported by large, incorporating unrest in singles, included many songs, full pain, wrath, violence and repentance ... DMX can dance a dance on your face at the slightest provocation, but it will be sincerely repent, running off the scene ... The sins of the present have always compared With their potentially eternal consequences ... He was a pastor of projects, reminding people about the demons on his shoulders when he told them to believe in God.

DMX: A selection of the best hits ... 10783_3

The time for the incredible circulation of DMX albums was chosen as it should not be better. He filled the emptiness in the New York rap. It was the end of the "Era of Jiggi." Jay-Z was a businessman who literally captured the quarters, founded the record label, bought clubs and concluded multi-million business transactions ... He was uncompressed by him, and DMX was a rough opposite. He wrote the hymns for those in their projects jumping on quad bikes and pulls up behind bars. Even at the peak of a career, he was at an altitude in ordinary T-shirt ... DMX became a star as in the studio and on stage, and outside them ... He starred in the militants who were leading in cash collecting! However, even without films and soundtracks in which DMX appeared, his catalog remains as big as he was in the late 90s - early 2000s. So as soon as he entered the studio door, everything became clear that the world would never forget him ... Recall his main hits.

"Get At Me Dog" (1998)

His dominance in the charts began with the song "Get At Me Dog", which glorified his debut album IT's Dark and Hell Is Hot. In this composition, rapper reveals his soul, recalling how he had to rob people if it was required ...

"Get At Me Dog" is a hymn prevailing most black Americans who are so often faced with poverty and despair, which it creates ...

"Ruff Ryders Anthem" (1998)

This track became the fourth single from IT's Dark and Hell Is Hot album. Today she is in the one hundred of the greatest hip-hop songs according to the VH1 channel. Special attention here deserves bit from the then unknown SWIZZ Beatz: you can almost see how SWIZZ knocks out a strange melody, and the drums, according to which they see the knuckles of fingers ...

At the same time, the melody does not interrupt the DMX voice, which reproduces each formidable line with almost live rhythm ...

"Party Up (Up in Here)" (1999)

There are no DMX songs better than the "Party Up (Up in Here), both from a commercial point of view and popularity. It was a huge success on the radio, in clubs and in films (for example, the song sounds in the film "Honest in 60 seconds").

And again, the success of DMX is partially owed by SWIZZ Beatz, whose rhythm for the "Party Up" on the hearing is equivalent to the inclusion of fire alarm. It roars from beginning to end, frantic and thunder ... DMX, as usual, flawlessly combines the intensity of bits with the cruelty of its texts. Every second, he seems to be preparing for the assault ...

"WHO WE BE" (2001)

The second single from the fourth album DMX "Great Depression", "WHO WE BE" - one of the most personal and deep singles of a rap artist ... He exposes the poverty of the Black Quarters, as well as the injustice of the predatory system and the ephemeralness of glory ... you can Hear the pain literally in every word.

The presence of DMX on the microphone was so convincing that he best worked alone, that is, she was solo ... And whenever he appeared next to his colleagues on Hip Hop scene, all the attention was switchable only on it ... The indicative example: the track " 24 Hours to Live »:

DMX gets the sixth and last verse, offering an unforgettable answer to the introductory question: "If you had 24 hours of life, what would you do?" Rapper promised to make a mother and spend time with his child and a girl ...

"Tear IT Up" (2004)

In 2004, Yung WUN turned to DMX with a proposal to work on his single "Tear IT UP", which fell into the Billboard charts. And DMX made this song! No voice could break through it, he was growling, hoarse ...

He certainly made this track ...

"How It's Goin 'Down" & "What They Really Want"

DMX does not make songs about love. If you had to choose two excellent DMX songs that concern heartfers, it would have to be "How It's Goin 'Down" and "What You Want". The first, perhaps the most sensitive song, which DMX ever did. He loves a woman with his novel, but he does not want to destroy her family ...

However, the "What They Really Want" DMX plays coolly. But at the same time he was sincere ... DMX never lied. Perhaps his honesty is one of his most redeective qualities ...

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