Evening Novostroy.ru: Experts predicted the collapse of demand for housing, labor migrants will return to Russia, the Samostroy complex will not demolish


Assembled real estate market news in Moscow for January 18.

Disappointing forecasts. According to analysts "Dom.rf", due to the growing demand for housing at the end of 2020, developers began to increase the volume of proposals: in the fourth quarter, the Russian market was 80% of the new LCD more than in the same quarter of 2019. However, experts say that the demand for housing in the new year will fall, the released projects may remain unclaimed. "At least to the market and it has become more projects, however, the offer" washed "is much stronger, and to restore the former balance" Proposal - demand "will clearly need more than a year. Definitely sales volumes in a stable situation with macroeconomics in the market in the 2021th will be reduced by the results of 2020, "says Denis Bobkov, General Director of the Analytical and Consulting Company" Real Estate Profi ".

Migrants are returned. Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to consider the introduction of a simplified procedure for entering Russia of migrants, "including from individual countries included in the CIS, to work at construction site. Solve the issue in the Cabinet should be until March 1 of this year. Recall that earlier the Deputy Prime Minister Marat Husnullin said that due to the pandemic and restrictive measures to earn money in Russia, 1.5 million builders migrants were returned.

Comforting news. Apartments of housing status will not lead to an increase in their value, the head of the Federation Council Committee on the Federal Devolution of Oleg Melnichenko said. According to him, everything will depend on how the status of the apartment will be determined: if the developers are not obliged to build with apartments infrastructure, as they should now do when the residential complexes are erected, then prices will not grow. We will remind, earlier experts argued that an equalization of the apartment to housing will make this type of real estate more expensive by 25-30%.

Samostroy justified. The judicial board has canceled the decision of the previous instance on the recognition of the Loft River Aparthot Complex on a flight street in Pokrovsky-Streshnev by unauthorized construction to be demolished. It turned out that the Government of Moscow excluded Loft River from the list of unauthorized buildings, and the land plot under the project - from the borders of the specially protected natural territory of Moskvoretsky Park. When the authorities managed to "legalize" the project is unknown. Recall, the apartment complex was built in 2015 by Ler Group. After checking the object by the environmental prosecutor's office, it turned out that the project was built without permission to build and conclude an environmental impact assessment.

Currency comfort. Last month, the average price in the market of primary comfort class apartments in Moscow was 203.9 thousand rubles per square meter. It is 3% more expensive than in November, analysts of the Real Estate Agency "Bon Tone" are stated. For the year, prices in metropolitan new buildings rose by 16%. In this case, the proposal continues to be systematically decline - minus 2.3% in December. During the year the number of sold apartments fell by 21%.

Evening Novostroy.ru: Experts predicted the collapse of demand for housing, labor migrants will return to Russia, the Samostroy complex will not demolish 10768_1
The demand for housing in the new year will fall, the LCD released to the market may remain unclaimed

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