(Just Like) Starting Over (1980) - John Lennon - Everything about the song ...


The story of the last issue is one John Lennon "(Just Like) Starting Over" ...

"(Just Like) Starting Over" - This is the name of the last single John Lennon, released during life ... The track successfully completed the album Double Fantasy 1980, which, unfortunately, marked not only the short return of the cult ex-beat in the music business ... at first The song did not use the public in demand, but after the murder of the author, she became a huge bestseller! Decade later, the influential Billboard edition included "(Just Like) Starting Over" in the rating of the "most influential songs in the entire history of the Billboard Hot 100 chart", adding the composition of the 62nd line ... As the track was recorded, and that Lennon wanted to convey to fans with touching lyrics? About everything in order.

Recording process ...

(Just Like) Starting Over (1980) - John Lennon - Everything about the song ... 10620_2
John Lennon

This song is generously endowed with a romantic spirit ... In the text, John Lennon appeals to his second half, namely, it is ... how can you judge pushing out from the name, he looks forward to a new moment in their relationship, he sincerely wants to start everything first. " The musician wants to return the former passion and earlier emotional stage, when their love and associate appreciation were much stronger:

(Just Like) Starting Over (1980) - John Lennon - Everything about the song ... 10620_3
While the album was recorded, John Lennon was accompanied by Yoko, and it was even more glowing the situation inside the collective.

Lyrics hints that for so many years, the couple has already become accustomed to each other and does not appreciate each other as before. When Lennon wrote it, they were still married with Yoko. However, there was an abyss between them ... But this is a completely different story. It is worth emphasizing the fact that "(Just Like) Starting Over" also became the first record of Lennon after he left the musical industry in the mid-1970s ... Thus, the track was interpreted by critics as a reflection of his re-acquaintance with his musical career.

Today, the song "(Just Like) Starting Over" is also known as the first single from the album Double Fantasy! But did you know that Lennon chose this track not because he liked him a lot: it was "(Just Like) Starting Over" best described the inner state of the musician for that period of time, and it was also that he was the best option for what Re-declare yourself after a 5-year break. Producer Album, Jack Douglas, in his interview 2005 told:

Lennon wrote this composition during his stay at the Bermuda Islands. The track was recorded in just a few weeks later, in the New York The Hit Factory. It is noteworthy, but initially the song was called "Starting from the Beginning". However, it was later decided to a bit of changing the name due to strong similarity from one of the songs Dolly Parton (her song "Starting Over Again" was the leader of world charts in the early 1980s ...)

(Just Like) Starting Over (1980) - John Lennon - Everything about the song ... 10620_4
Dolly parton

As mentioned above, "(Just Like) Starting Over" became the embodiment of the renewal of Lennon: both in personal and professional plan ... Journalist David Sheff took the last major interview with Lennon. After many years, he told:

Recorded on August 9, 1980, "(Just Like) Starting Over" was one of the last songs for Double Fantasy. At first, Lennon was not confident whether this song should be included in the album at all. Fortunately, Jack Douglas convinced him in the opposite. Thus, the promising composition became the first single from the last album of the musician ... After the release of criticism, the heat took the work, and the Billboard magazine called "(Just Like) Starting Over" "fast, freshly sound rock", separately emphasizing the depth of the text and the vocal data of Lennon ...


"(Just Like) Starting Over"Despite the fact that this song has become the first single for five years from one of the most famous musicians on the planet, it took the time to become popular ... In America, the single entered HOT 100 November 1, 1980: debuting at 38th place he Slowly, but steadily climbed up the diagram ... as it often happens, only after the death of the musician song has gained success: as a result, "Just Like) Starting Over" became the leader in the states (the song was laid on the first line 5 weeks ...)

Interesting to know…

(Just Like) Starting Over (1980) - John Lennon - Everything about the song ... 10620_5
John Lennon and Yoko it
  • The Studio Lennon was jokingly called this song "Elvis / Orbizon", since "mockingly" personified their vocal styles. In its last interview, Rolling Stone magazine musician said:
  • Famous British musicologist Walter Everett noted a partial melodic similarity between "(Just Like) Starting Over" and the song "Don't Worry Baby" of the BEACH BOACH BOACH groups of 1964 ...
  • Single "(Just Like) Starting Over" was published in the states October 27, 1980: It was on this day Mark Chepman acquired a gun from which Lennon was subsequently killed ...
  • A copy of Double Fantasy Chepmen with autograph Lennon is almost the most valuable plate in the world. Moreover! On the record that appeared in the trial, there is not only the autograph of Lennon, but also the fingerprints of the chepmen themselves on the cover! In 2003, the record was sold for 525,000 pounds, but since then its cost has increased sharply ...

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