Putin expects negotiations to ensure the provision of lasting peace and security

Putin expects negotiations to ensure the provision of lasting peace and security 10573_1

In the Kremlin, on the initiative of the Russian side, three-way negotiations of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikola Pashinyan are held.

According to the press service of the Kremlin, the agenda of the day - the progress of the statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia on Nagorno-Karabakh on November 9, 2020, further steps to solve problems available in the region, issues of helping residents of areas affected by hostilities, as well as unlocking and developing trade and economic and transport links.

Welcoming the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Vladimir Putin, in particular, said:

"Dear Ilham Heydarovich! Dear Nikol Vovaevich!

Very glad to welcome you in Moscow and grateful to you for responding to the offer to jointly discuss the implementation of our three-sided statements on Nagorno-Karabakh of November 9 of the past, 2020, year, and further steps to overcome existing problems and establishing peaceful life in the region .

Russia values ​​the partnership and good-neighborly relations that bind our countries and peoples, so we are alarming and sincere experience for the fate of people followed the broken armed conflict. Large-scale fighting, unfortunately, led to significant human victims, aggravated the already difficult situation in the Transcaucasus, increased the risks of the spread of terrorism.

I want to thank you, dear colleagues, for the fact that you have perceived the active intermediary efforts made by the Russian side, which were aimed at helping to keep bloodshed, stabilize the situation and achieve a sustainable cease-fire. Over the solution of this complex task, diplomatic and military departments of our countries worked hard. We were in constant contact, we were looking for a compromise together.

It is as a result of our common efforts, after intensive, including, as you remember, the night, telephone conversations on November 9, a three-way statement was agreed upon, which we signed with you. In this basic document, as is well known, the speech is primarily a complete termination of hostilities, about sending Russian peacekeepers to the region and, especially important, to provide the civilian population affected by clashes, all-time and effective assistance in returning to normal Life.

I would especially like to note that in all its actions, Russia sought to follow the key performance achieved in the OSCE Minsk Group. We continue to regularly check with partners - our actions Minsk Group co-chairs.

Today it is possible to state with satisfaction that three-sided agreements are consistently implemented. According to our conviction, it creates the necessary prerequisites for a long-term and full-quality settlement of the solar conflict on a fair basis, in the interest of both Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples.

To monitor compliance with the truce on the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin Corridor, the Russian peacekeeping contingent will be deployed at the request of the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides. Created a system for efficiently ensuring compliance with the cease-fire mode. In the area of ​​responsibility of Russian peacekeepers, there are 23 observation posts; Another four additional posts are responsible for the safety of motion along the corridor. Now the situation in the region is calm.

A lot is done by us for the safe return of internally displaced persons and refugees. For the period from November 14, over 48 thousand people have already returned in Karabakh. With the mediation of Russia, the exchange of prisoners and the bodies of the victims.

The International Center for Humanitarian Response is successfully operating, in which the specialists of our countries solve pressing issues related to the establishment of the normal life of settlements, the reconstruction of the destroyed infrastructure, the protection of the monuments of history, religion and culture. Employees of the Center are engaged in the restoration of energy and heat supply.

From Russia to the conflict zone, over 800 tons of building materials were delivered, and more than 1.5 million tons of humanitarian cargo. The population provides medical care. More than 479 hectares of the territory were cleared of mines, 182 kilometers of roads, 710 buildings and structures were checked. More than 22 thousand explosive objects were detected and destroyed.

I think that today it would be important, first of all, to outline the next steps on key areas of settlement designated in a joint statement of November 9 last year. I mean issues related to the activities of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, the clarification of demarcation lines, the solution of humanitarian problems, the protection of cultural heritage sites.

Special attention is paid to the task of unlocking economic, trading and transport links in the region, the opening of the borders. It is assumed that this issues will take place a special three-sided working group chaired by the Deputy Prime Ministers of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

I would like to count on, dear colleagues that our today's negotiations will be held in a business environment and serve as a lasting world, security and progressive socio-economic development in the region, which we are certainly interested in it, "Putin concluded.

Then the negotiations continued behind closed doors.

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