How not to freeze in the apartment: subtle places of new buildings and how to deal with them


Often, the joy of the candidate house turns around for the newcomers to the problems with acceptance of the apartment. Solid developers belong to the construction marriage calmly, they say, with whom it does not happen, and promptly eliminate it. You can understand construction companies: when the work is not always one hundred apartments, it is not always possible to monitor the numerous brigades of high-class workers from Central Asia. And now, especially - the working force in the deficit, and the likelihood of errors increases repeatedly. One of the most "heavy" problems is the mistakes of thermal insulation, which in our climate can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. And sometimes it is impossible to solve them quickly.

Why did the wall frozen?

The most effective way to check the quality of thermal insulation and detect the cold foci at the reception of the apartment is a thermal examination. In the course of operation of housing, they will be able to manifest themselves in nature, in the form of condensate, inlet or mold. Weak apartments are walls, windows, window sills, doors.

It is worthwhile that the apartment should not be absolutely hermetic - fresh, street air should penetrate inside, but within the limits that are defined by the relevant regulations. The thermal imager helps to detect all the vehicles of heat leaks, which appeared due to the marriage of builders or due to the shrinkage of the house. But that it has passed to effectively, several conditions must be respected. The difference between the inner and external temperatures should be at least 15 degrees - the more this difference, the better. Maybe, therefore, many objects we give up by the end of the year, and the settlement begins already in the warm season, when the heat flaws cannot be identified. But even in winter in sunny weather, the walls can be heated so that the picture may turn out to be blurred. It is better to study early in the morning.

The second condition is the pressure drop. If at the time of the study it will be small or absent (it depends on the quality of ventilation, floor, weather on the street), then some unfailing to identify will most likely fail.

To create an artificial pressure drop, an airfield is used - a quasi driver, which is installed in the doorway and blows out air from the room. Not all, of course. And then the streets are rushed through the gaps, openings to compensate for pressure. In general, what will not come up with.

"When accepting an apartment, it is worth paying particular attention to the most vulnerable or difficult to later subsequently elements of the apartment. These include concrete structures (walls, floors and ceilings), windows and loggias, electrics, heating, water supply and sewage systems, says Nadezhda Kalashnikov, director of the company "L1". - You can take an apartment with a thermal imager. True, for this you will have to attract a third-party specialist and pay for the service. The price may vary from 3 thousand for the entire apartment up to 60 rubles per square meter. However, this procedure is not always justified: checking one apartment in an apartment building no sense of particular. And to order energy audit of the whole house until the moment of its settlement will not be. But it is clear that the brick-monolithic house will be warmer panel, as there are no seams between the panels through which cold can penetrate.

Construction marriage: What to do?

All claims to be lowered in writing in 2 copies, with the signatures of the representative of the SC. One copy remains from the developer, the other - the buyer. For the elimination of shortcomings, no more than 3 months is assigned to the law. "Developer companies can set their own deadlines that do not exceed the current legislation. Our company, for example, for such work 22 working days is assigned. After that, the buyer is again invited to accept the apartment, "says Nadezhda Kalashnikov.

How the thermal imager is working

The heated body emits infrared waves (IR). The higher the body temperature, the more intense it is radiation and the shorter the wavelength. If we "let's see" the house in the IR range, then the sections of the walls with elevated temperature will emit stronger, on the screen with a high temperature area will be displayed in red.

With the help of the thermal imager, the infiltration of cold air was revealed through the adjunctions of nachets, on nachets - condensate loss, reducing the effectiveness of thermal insulation in the corners.

Source: "Sitiprof"

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How not to freeze in the apartment: subtle places of new buildings and how to deal with them 10467_1
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