Carrot varieties that will persist until spring


    Good afternoon, my reader. To have fresh carrots on the table until the spring, it is important to choose the right varieties. How long roofing can be stored, as a rule, the manufacturer indicates packaging. However, you need to pay attention to other parameters, such as ripening time, yield, carotene content in fruits.

    Carrot varieties that will persist until spring 10421_1
    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Carrot (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Selection achievements allow it to purposefully withdraw varieties with the necessary qualities. It should be paid to the fact that foreign seed manufacturers prefer the appearance of the root crust. At the same time, domestic breeders put on the first place the ability of carrots for a long time is stored, as well as withstand low temperatures.

    We collected a variety for you, which will certainly retain their useful qualities and juiciness all winter.

    Ripens quite late. The carrot is shortened, slightly pointed. Color orange, juicy taste. Different resistant to diseases.

    Carrot varieties that will persist until spring 10421_2
    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Morkovay Sowing (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Corneaps All winter can be fresh, cook juice, children's or dietary dishes from them.

    • Use: Canning, Fresh, Juices.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 90 to 130 days.
    • Weight: from 50 to 80 grams.
    • Yield: from 4.5 to 6.5 kg from square. m.

    This carrot did not accidentally receive such a name. Its large, bright, even root root ripen in late autumn and are well saved all winter. The variety is distinguished by high yield and freezing resistance.

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    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Carrots with beds (Photo used by standard license ©

    Juicy and sweet carrots are ideal for cooking juice, but you can just hurt, add to salad, soup or home blanks.

    • Use: Canning, Fresh, Juices.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 117 to 130 days.
    • Weight: from 60 to 180 grams.
    • Yield: from 3.5 to 9 kg with square. m.

    The variety refers to the middle-easier, gives a good harvest and is not inclined to blooming. Bright orange root roots have a cone form.

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    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Carrot harvesting (Photo used by standard license ©

    Moscow winter is not bad to carry low temperatures, but still the landings are covered with film before the appearance of sprouts.

    • Use: Fresh.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 67 to 98 days.
    • Weight: from 99 to 172 grams.
    • Yield: from 4.5 to 6.5 kg from square. m.

    From classic early sorts, Nantes is in the first place to taste. Reddish-orange carrots grows smooth, correct shape, if sowing it into light soil.

    Carrot varieties that will persist until spring 10421_5
    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Sowing on the tape (photo is used according to a standard license ©

    The variety is very good for juices and children's menu, as it is rich in carotine.

    • Use: Canning, Fresh, Juices.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 80 to 100 days.
    • Weight: up to 100 grams.
    • Yield: 6.5 kg from square. m.

    The average carrot is well saved in winter and still remains the same delicious. The shape of the roots is elongated, similar to a cone, in the center - orange flesh.
    • Use: Fresh, Canning.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 90 to 120 days.
    • Weight: from 180 to 220 grams.
    • Yield: from 4 to 9 kg with square. m.

    Carrots of this variety matures late. It is characterized by a beautiful form of rooteplood. Flyccore is resistant to diseases and is practically not lighter.

    Carrot varieties that will persist until spring 10421_6
    Carrot varieties that will be saved until spring

    Cultivation of carrots (Photo used by standard license ©

    The gentle, juicy flesh, rich in carotine, is very useful to eat fresh, but also for canning, this carrot is also suitable.

    • Use: Fresh, Canning.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 120 to 140 days.
    • Weight: from 135 to 200 grams.
    • Yield: from 3.5 to 5.5 kg from square. m.

    The shape of root conical. They grow almost all the same size. This variety feels good in heavy soil. Carrots strong, sweet, high content of carotene. The fruits practically do not crack.

    • Use: Fresh, Canning.
    • Place of landing: in the ground.
    • Ripens: from 120 to 150 days.
    • Weight: from 80 to 500 grams.
    • Yield: from 4 to 9 kg with square. m.

    It should be remembered that the storage duration of carrots is determined not only by the variety, but also comply with some rules:

    • Leave for winter only health, whole roots.
    • At the storage location, the temperature should be about 2 degrees, and the humidity of more than 95%.
    • As soon as the harvest is assembled, immediately place it in suitable conditions for storage.

    If you fulfill these simple rules, then until the spring you will receive vitamins from fresh carrots.

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