10 signs for which it becomes clear from the first seconds that you are watching a second-rate movie


Some of us looking at the poster of the upcoming film, already understand that the picture is second-time and is hardly worth running the cinema for a ticket to the premiere. To other awareness comes in the first minutes of viewing. But few people can formulate what exactly went wrong and why the film does not bring aesthetic pleasure.

Adme.ru found out, for what signs of the filmmakes are determined from the very first seconds (and then from the moment of the release of the trailer), whether the film is worth spending time at him.

1. In the comedy plays the actor, accustomed to filming in the militants

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© Kindergarten Cop / Universal Pictures, © The Pacifier / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

At some point, actors playing steep guys decide to change the genre. As a rule, the choice falls on the comedy, and nothing good is coming out. However, positive examples, of course, are. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger played well in the "Gemini" comedies and the Khlebovsky policeman. However, he and in the militants showed a noticeable tendency to the Commission. A similar career step was in the Wine Diesel (the painting "Bald Nannika: a specialization"), however, the film was brutal criticism. Another sad example is Sylvester Stallone, whose games with a comedy genre ("Stop! Or my mother will shoot") barely did not cost him the acting career.

2. The film seems to be removed on amateur chamber

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© The Bourne Ultimatum / Universal Pictures

This method of shooting should create a sense of impebility and immerse the viewer in the picture as if he himself was on the site. And if the first films in which this technique was applied, caused interest in the public, and recently this technique is clearly abused. Favoricated by directors and operators of the scene, which were removed using this method - various chases, as a rule, in militants and superhero films.

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© Cloverfield / Paramount Pictures

Unfortunately, the viewer the effect of a trembling chamber often does not concentrate on the events occurring on the screen and causes a slide, as when swinging. Review the most active scenes in the militant "Quantum of Mercy" and pay attention: in addition to the shaking chamber, there is a very fast frame change. So fast that see what happens on the screen is almost unable. However, there are good examples of using this technique - in the films "Ultimatum Born", "Captain Phillips" and "Lonely Man".

3. Creation of the 3rd, 4th and subsequent parts of the franchise

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© The Hunger Games / Lionsgate, © The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 / Lionsgate

The correct sign that the studio is concerned about receiving profits, and not the quality of its product, is the shooting of several films on one novel. As a rule, it is done like this: the story is divided into several parts, they add unexpected turns and each part ends with this turn so that the viewer has a desire to go and see the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent parts of the franchise. Although it was possible to "sue" the plot and make only 2 or and at all 1 picture. From unsuccessful examples, you can select "Twilight", "Divergent" and "Hungry Games". There are successful paintings, of course: "Logan", "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King", "The Story of Toys: Big Escape." Sometimes the first parts are so successful that the studios decide to remove the continuation, but on the fact of history are already over - the screenwriters have to literally suck out the plot of the finger ("Park of the Jurassic period 3", "the godfather - 3" and others). The viewer cannot not notice this.

4. The trailer sounds the phrase "based on real events"

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© Fargo / Working Title Films, © Adrift / Stx Entertainment

Of course, a huge amount of biographies formed the basis of perfectly shot films, who really touch the viewer for the soul ("Apollo-13", "in the power of the element"). However, the studios are increasingly speculating on this wording, and therefore it sounds no longer so exciting as I would like. This is a kind of manipulation: movie creators want to cause you a sense of empathy with the heroes. According to user comments, if the film is based on real events, and the story itself is worth an emission, the formulation like "History X, which made Y" will sound in the title. And if the movie advertising literally shouts about the real attack of the paintings, it is likely that the real story is not interested in itself in itself. Therefore, studios are trying to cause artificial interest in the audience. Sometimes the film is not based on any real story, although it declares this, - the creators simply make marketing stroke. For example, the paintings "Witch from Blair: Course from that Light", "Fargo" or "paranormal phenomenon".

5. In the comedy film Starring Elderly Actors

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© Old Dogs / Walt Disney

Comedy films in which older actors play, look like each other like water drops. Usually the plot is tied to the fact that the characters are going to go somewhere to remember youth, and along the way various failures suffer. Of course, there is little picture without a couple of jokes about Viagra and young beauty, in which one of the heroes are in love with, and that's all right away. Examples of such films: "Starpets", "so-so vacation."

6. The film is removed by video game

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© Warcraft / Legendary Pictures

Often, the cult video games take pictures, for example, "Varcraft", "Max Pan", "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time", Doom, etc. Such films are usually not cultivated and get a lot of criticism. Obviously, the reason is that the video game gives the user the ability to control the entire game world and adjust it to itself. In the film, it is impossible to recreate, unfortunately, it is impossible. In addition, many games simply do not have a story that is worthy of film release. Or plot strokes so much that it is not clear how to embody them in the film, which lines leave, and from which you should refuse.

7. Too many computer graphics

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© Interstellar / Legendary Pictures, © Suicide Squad / Warner Bros. Pictures.

Of course, a huge number of religious films would not be that if it were not possible to possibly computer graphics (for example, "avatar", "Matrix", "InterSellar", "gravity"). However, in recent times, the studio has increasingly use technologies to reduce the production process. After all, it is much easier to draw a landscape or wounds on the body of the character, than to look for a suitable view in the real world or bother with complex grima. As a result, the viewer receives not even a film, but some video game, where a huge number of special effects are intended, and often it is generally incomprehensible what happens on the screen. Such pictures can be safely attributed to the "suicide detachment", "Deadpool", "League of Justice", etc. One of the reasons is the availability of technologies. If earlier it was resorted to computer graphics in extreme cases, now the rare film costs without it. Availability led to ignoring physics rules. Recall the paintings "Matrix: Reboot" and "Woman Cat": tricks performed by characters, it is impossible to repeat in life. And if it was at first it looked spectacularly, now the audience feels the unreality of what is happening on the screen and he does not like it. There is an easy way to understand, a lot in the film of computer graphics. If you have a thought in your head "Wow, how cool painted!", So the creators moved with technologies. After all, their meaning is to make what is happening on the screen is more realistic, and therefore, the viewer should not be noticed at all.

8. In advertising paintings, the words "from producers ..."

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© Get Out / Universal Pictures, © Antebellum / Qc Entertainment

Hearing the phrase "from producers ...", you can safely turn off the movies and look for another. The fact is that the producer only collects talented people, coordinates their work, etc. By itself, he cannot create a cool film: this is not a director, not an actor, not a screenwriter and not the operator. This is not the person who possesses artistic vision is the one who can appreciate this is the most vision. Here, of course, there is a place and manipulation. Feeding a picture as "Film from producers of Horror" We "and" away "," marketers, as it were, say to the audience: "If you like these pictures, you must see our new cinema." And the audience themselves subconsciously expect from this new cinema of the same masterpidence, but much more often remain disappointed. For example, in 2020, the film "Antebellum", which was just positioned as a picture of the producers of Horror "We" and "away". However, the new film did not like the audience, unlike the two mentioned hits, and failed at the box office: at a budget of $ 10 million to earn a little less than $ 7 million. Sometimes marketers are resorted to such a reception when they do not know how else you can sell the film. For example, if there are no stars of global quantity in the picture or someone's debut. In this case, the chance that the movie is really high-quality, slightly increases.

9. Clisked poster

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© Lady Bird / Iac Films, © I Know Who Killed Me / Sony Pictures

If a blurred glow is used on the poster, the heroes with a grin look directly into the chamber, it most likely, about the next base cinema. Another obvious sign is the face of the main character with a ripped mouth. Sometimes you can even predict the development of the plot. For example, if some building is in the picture, then it will be climazed. And if the male brutal character stands next to the beauty, the film is most likely abounding with jokes below the belt and stereotypes: "Bad guy" is trying to win the girl.

10. Girls with pronounced forms

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© Judy / Pathé, © Baywatch / Seven Bucks Productions

According to lovers of cinema, women's forms shown by the viewer in the first 10 minutes of the film, they say that the picture has nothing to hook. Therefore, it speculates the lowest desires of people. Actually, the abundance of such moments in the cinema is one of the ways to sell the film more expensive. Whether the audience manipulates, it becomes clear almost from the first frames: if you see too spectacular woman, it is likely that the film has nothing more to keep you, except for physical beauty actresses.

Do you have criteria for which you determine from the first frames, is the movie of your time or not?

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