How to walk with Scandinavian sticks


Thanks to Scandinavian walking, you can turn the usual walk in a full-fledged training, during which 80-90% of the muscles of the body will be involved. This sport has a gluing effect on the body, allows you to improve the posture, promotes weight loss and uses all muscle groups, unlike normal walking when only leg muscles work. At the same time, you can engage in Scandinavian walking in any place, at any time and almost at any age.

"Take and do" will tell about how to go to the Scandinavian sticks. And also we point out mistakes that are allowed newcomers in this sport. Important: As in the case of other sports activities, before proceeding with training, you must consult with your doctor.

What sticks are suitable for scandinavian walk and what should be their length

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  • The hood of a stick for the Scandinavian walk should be located a dormant - a design in the form of a semi-portion. Thanks to the treaty, you do not relieve a stick when you need to open the palm on the last step phase, as required with the right walking technique. If there are no semi-leads to the stick sticks, but just straps, then these sticks are not suitable for Scandinavian walking. They are designed for tracking.
  • Scandinavian sticks are on sale, the length of which cannot be changed, and telescopic (two and three-section) sticks. It is better to prefer the latter, because they can be adjusted to your height.
  • To adjust the length of sticks in accordance with its growth, multiply growth in centimeters to the ratio of 0.68. So, for example, with a height of 175 cm the required stick length - 119 cm.

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  • At the end of the Scandinavian sticks there is a sharp metal tip. They can be used if your route is laid, for example, by slippage of ice surface. Then the tip is entered into ice, which adds stability. For walking along asphalt on top of the metal tip, a rubber wear-resistant bezed "shoe" is put on. This form allows you to keep the right slope when walking - at an angle of 45 °.

Workout before Scandinavian walking

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To prepare your body to workout, make a 10-15-minute warm-up. It is necessary to heat the muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Here are just some of the possible exercises with sticks for Scandinavian walk:

  • Exercise number 1: Take the stick in two ends and lift them horizontally over your head. Make 3-4 tilt to the left and right.
  • Exercise number 2: Take a little hand with scandinavian sticks back. Ends should be resting a little behind. Sat, leaning on sticks. Make 15 squats.
  • Exercise number 3: Enact with right hand on sticks, bend the left leg in the knee and graze ankle with your left hand. Try to pull the ankle to the buttocks. Stand smoothly. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat the same with the other foot.
  • Exercise number 4: Put both sticks in front of the shoulder width at a distance of a slightly bent hand. Pull one step forward and put it on the heel, pull up. Bend another leg in the knee and lean forward. Keep your back smoothly. Hold in this position for 15 seconds, and then repeat it, putting forward another leg.
  • Exercise number 5: Lead ahead and go on sticks elongated straight hands. Rock up. Repeat the exercise several times.

Technique Scandinavian walking

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  • When walking, use antiorama technique, that is, making waves with the right hand, at the same time make a step with my left foot, and vice versa.
  • If you start to get back and confused the movements of the hands and legs, then for some time just dragged the sticks - you will notice that with usual walking we are moving as needed under the Scandinavian walking. Do not analyze the movements and let the body go to the rhythm usual. When your movements become natural, connect the repulsion.
  • When walking hand, which goes back, extension completely, while squeeze (open) the palm of this hand. The stick at this moment fixes only the dank.
  • Walking is built of 3 stages: emphasis, push and relaxation of the hand, which went back. From a confident stop and shock depends on the efficiency of walking: the stronger and more active you repel, the stronger your load.
  • Start every step from the heel, and end - rolling on the sock.
  • Watch out for the amplitude of your movements - the hands come forward and behind the back is about 45 °. Sticks at the same time will always follow your body.
  • When moving, the entire hand is moving - from the forearm to the wrist.
  • Hold your back smoothly, body body slightly tilt forward. Shoulders relax. Look forward.
  • Draw an imaginary line that goes perpendicular to your chest and coincides with the direction of movement. Move all parts of the body (hands with sticks, legs, shoulders) only along this imaginary line.
  • Inhale your nose, and exhale your mouth.
  • Gradually increase the speed of your walk from moderate to fast.

Main mistakes in Scandinavian walking technique

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  • Error: foot and hand from the same side perform movement at the same time both in the same side (as in the photo on the left).
  • Error: the hands are bent in the elbows (as in the photo on the right). The person goes and simply rearranges the sticks, and the elbows bent at right angles. With the right technique, the hands are moving from the shoulder and practically do not bend in the elbows.
  • Error: scattering or, on the contrary, to reduce sticks. Sticks in Scandinavian walking should go parallel to each other.
  • Error: imitate repulsion or not to repel sticks. It is necessary to carry the body weight on sticks and repel them actively. When you make the waving hand forward, you are very relying on the sticks and try to transfer the weight of your body to them.
  • Error: You are very squeezing stick sticks in a fist. The right technique suggests that you are repelled by an open palm, and stick hangs on a glove-tear.
  • Error: cut amplitude. Hands should make a full-fledged Mach!

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