Mother and businessmen: how the gender education of children changed in world history

Mother and businessmen: how the gender education of children changed in world history 10035_1

Today in developed countries, many parents strive for the so-called gender-neutral education of children: the sex of the child should not affect the level of its education and on the ethical attitudes that adults will attempt to it. But it was not always so.

If you look at this topic in a historical context, it is noticeable that in some questions (for example, in babies' clothes) our predecessors were much gender-neutrally of us, and in some others (for example, in education) separation were much brighter . We understand in this topic.

Clothing: White Roboffs for all

Joe Poletti's story student in the book "Blue and Pink: how the boys were distinguished from girls in America" ​​writes that almost until the beginning of the twentieth century, small children existed as if outside of the floor - and boys, and girls to the Toddler age were inclusive, white robes were inclusive (than Well, resembling night shirts or dresses), and the true separation of clothing on sexual sign for children began later.

None of his parents was afraid that their newborn daughter will take care of her son or the opposite.

Paletti connects the modern desire of parents with the help of clothes and accessories from the first days of the child's life to signal the world, what he or she is sex, with two tendencies. The first is the penetration of Freud's ideas that everything that happens to the child in childhood affects the formation of its sexuality. The second is homophobia.

As a confirmation of this theory of Paolett, such an example: at the beginning of the twentieth century, while Freud's ideas have not yet been widespread, parents with humor treated gender confusion against babies and even sent images of their children to magazines, which then published them in the selection Quiz: "Guess what sex is this kid?"

As for the pretty rigid modern division of clothing for children in colors (although a small segment in the market represents brands that develop clothes of gender-neutral color shades), then, according to Pallti, the clothing industry won most of all: families in which they were born Children of different sexes are uncomfortable to "transfer" the clothes of the older sister younger brother, even if adults were ready to do so in order to save.

Training and traditional values

What career values ​​parents will try to lay their children, largely depends on how much gender inequality is common in the country. Therefore, before talking about child education, we will have to make a small excursion to the history of non-equivals.

Danish economist Esther Bozerap in the book "The Role of Women in Economic Development" suggests that the situation in very ancient times differed depending on whether a plow agriculture was used in a particular area for agriculture - the device initially demanded a large physical force for operation: If the plow was used in the region, then women were less involved in field works there, and if they were not used - that women worked in the fields along with men.

In the pre-industrial era, most families worked in the agrarian sector: men watched a major cattle, women for small. Both women and men were involved in sowing. Yes, the main responsibilities for child care assigned to women. But the children were also active participants in the employment process, starting from five to six years, and a seven-year-old daughter could well leave to watch at home for everyone so far disappointing younger brothers and sisters. Another "typical female occupation" of that time was working for a hill - it was believed that women had a better-developed small motorbish and they are more adapted to this case. The direct yarn of Mother was taught and their daughters.

And only after the industrial revolution, the gender division acquired a more rigid framework and even the yarn partly moved into the hands of men.

With the advent of Factory, the work world and homely divided: men began to go to work, and women with children remained, as if they were told, in isolation at home. Yes, in the factories, young women or widows sometimes worked, but the public consensus was that after marriage, they had to leave.

It is the industrial era that we owe the division of the responsibility between parents: on the father - earnings, on the mother - everything else. Consequently, the children prepared for the fact that they could in adulthood to fulfill these roles in adulthood - in girls developed altruistic qualities, tried to turn them into caring wives and mothers, and boys were preparing for a business career.

Heather Guttormson in the book on child-parent relationship writes that during this period the abyss between the level of education was very noticeable, which was provided to girls and boys both in schools and at home.

Girls were much less tried to help advance in mathematics and in grammar, because it was believed that all these knowledge would not be useful to them.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the so-called "Profession or Marriage" laws ", limiting the work of married women according to certain specialties, was introduced in a number of countries: for example, only a woman who did not burden in America in America, not burdened with the family in America. A similar rule was valid in Russia: at the end of the nineteenth century, teachers who were married were dismissed in many provinces, although not everywhere. And the employees of the British geological service were to dismiss in case of marriage until 1975!

But it is rather an exception to the rules - if we speak generally, then women's employment has ceased to be something special after the war. And before that, only 20 percent of women were employed - as a rule, lonely.

If today the difference in the salary of men and women is on average, 20 percent (women pay less), then at the beginning of the twentieth century, working women did not pay and half of the male pranks.

And since the women after the Second World War have become more involved in the labor market (frames needed everywhere and could not be continued to continue the policy "Profession or Marriage"), and learning for children was more balanced. As a result, the girls began to receive higher education more often, and by 1990 in Western countries, the percentage of male and female students was almost equal.

It is amazing that although in Russia today the employment of women is welcomed (and some families simply could not exist without a second salary), at the ideological level in schools, a rather strong plant of traditional values ​​continues. What is at least a newly quoted Tatyana Nikonova Tutorial on social studies, in which the qualities of the "real custodian of the hearth" are mutated.

Of course, in order for training to be more gender-neutral, it would be necessary to not only remove all this anachronism from educational literature, but also to try to integrate the achievements of female scientists in the school program so that girls have more examples of role-playing models before their eyes. And by itself the abolition of separate training of boys and girls (which was actively practiced before the beginning of the twentieth century and tried to revive in a period of existence of the USSR) still cannot guarantee gender-neutral training in schools.

Is there a relationship between the children and the ideological views of the parents?

Economist Ebony Washington analyzed the behavior of representatives of the American Congress and found out that men who have daughters are more liberal and more often vote for the adoption of liberal decisions, especially if the case is about the reproductive rights of women.

The German economist Matthias ADPE believes that in the nineteenth century, the fathers of girls played a last role in the movement for the equality of women - and wanted to help their daughters to get some legal status, fearing that other cases young women would depend on the crazy husbands too much.

According to other observations, the presence of daughters in the family has the opposite effect, especially if we affect the subject of a sepperse, and forces parents to adhere to more conservative views and even stigmatize teenage sex in conversations with girls because of fear of their early pregnancy.

Selective abortions and different breastfeeding duration

Thanks to modern ultrasound technologies, the parents have the opportunity to recognize the sex of the child before his birth. In countries with strong gender inequality (for example, in India and in China), this led to the so-called selective abortion - if the couple finds out that the girl is waiting, it is often a decision on the interruption of pregnancy. But such abortions are not limited to such abortion. So, for example, the researchers found that the duration of breastfeeding in India depends on the floor of the child (the boys are fed along longer, and the feeding of girls stop earlier to try to conceive the boy).

Scientists suggest that such a rupture of statistics has an impact on children's mortality rates: girls in these regions die more often. With the development of reproductive technologies, new ethical issues related to the possibility of choosing the floor of the future child with ECO are raised (some reproductive clinics are already advertised this service). It is still difficult to understand whether such a service will be regulated at the legislative level and how global consequences can lead.

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