Articles #717

In Poland, private media arranged a strike due to the media advertising tax

In Poland, private media arranged a strike due to the media advertising tax
During the day on the air and on sites, the slogans were broadcast "There was your favorite program" and the "media without choice". The strike of several...

Ugra told what books love to read

Ugra told what books love to read
Ugra told what books love to readIn Ugra, a wave of buccroxing swept on the eve of the global promotion of the book truck. February 14 is also the day...

Replacing the check in the iPhone on the hole on the screen does not make any sense

Replacing the check in the iPhone on the hole on the screen does not make any sense
This week, Min Chi Co., analyst TF International Securities, reported on the intention of Apple to get rid of the removal at the top of the iPhone screens,...

In the Tula region developed a new package of support for entrepreneurs

In the Tula region developed a new package of support for entrepreneurs
In the Tula region, a new package of support for entrepreneurs has been developed. This was known during a briefing for the media with the participation...

The most negative events of 2020 for the cryptocurrency market

The most negative events of 2020 for the cryptocurrency market
2020 almost came to the end, which means it is the time to sum up its results for the cryptocurrency market. Over the past months there were many as interesting...

Does the Riga Duma want a full composition to drive on the bus, where are the people - a bit and no distances?

Does the Riga Duma want a full composition to drive on the bus, where are the people - a bit and no distances?
What is the point of abide by the epidemiological distance everywhere, if in transport often passengers go tightly like herring in a barrel? Something...

Unloading day on chicken breast: 4 options menu

Unloading day on chicken breast: 4 options menu
Unloading days are needed after long holidays, weekends or vacations. First of all, in order to give rest of the digestive organs: stomach, liver, pancreas....

Sunday in Minsk: Tikhanovskaya About the new Constitution, rally in public support

Sunday in Minsk: Tikhanovskaya About the new Constitution, rally in public support
Sunday in Minsk begins with the traditional action in support of security forces. Meanwhile, we send videos from other morning...

Standard Strawberry

Standard Strawberry
Good afternoon, my reader. Abundant fruiting of any berry cultures requires systematic fertilizer application. For example, it is impossible to forget...

The image of a real person: the main roles of Vasily Lanovoy

The image of a real person: the main roles of Vasily Lanovoy
Condolences from all over the country come close to Vasily Lanovogo. In early January, he was hospitalized with Coronavirus, on the eve of the condition...

The Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic canceled the verdict against the ex-Prosecutor General and the Ex-Minister of Salyanova

The Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic canceled the verdict against the ex-Prosecutor General and the Ex-Minister of Salyanova
The Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic canceled the verdict against the ex-Prosecutor General and the Ex-Minister of SalyanovaAlmaty. March 24. KazTAG...

TNT will go to the absurd and fabulous nineties in the series "Policeman from the ruble"

TNT will go to the absurd and fabulous nineties in the series "Policeman from the ruble"
Volodya Yakovlev and his demons from the ruble return. TNT TV channel and Writer Ilya Kulikov are transferred to the heroes of the Comedy Hit "Policeman...

Without clothes and with short haircut - Unusual Irina Shake excited fans

Without clothes and with short haircut - Unusual Irina Shake excited fans
Supermodel shapes are all as elegant and seductive Irina Shayk, Instagam.comThe cover of the March issue of the Thai publication magazine Vogue decorated...

In the FEFU developed self-healing concrete

In the FEFU developed self-healing concrete
In the FEFU developed self-healing concreteThe results of the engineers of the Polytechnic Institute of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) together...