Articles #714

When pancakes are worse than the poison: the Ivanovsky pediatrician told the kids in the carnival

When pancakes are worse than the poison: the Ivanovsky pediatrician told the kids in the carnival Traditional dish on Carnival - pancakes. They are glad to eat and adults, and very kids. But are they harmless to children? And from...

The court in St. Petersburg banned the spread of the anime "Death Note" and "Tokyo Gul"

The court in St. Petersburg banned the spread of the anime "Death Note" and "Tokyo Gul"
We are talking about distribution on sites, links to which provided the prosecutor's office. In the Kolpinsky district court of St. Petersburg, on...

Top deals in Fit-Tech and Well-Being

Top deals in Fit-Tech and Well-Being
Business in the spheres of Fit-Tech and Well-Being, as in many others, in 2020 largely went online. When, in March-April, quarantine was declared all over...

20 people whose sensitive heart knows how to encourage and help

20 people whose sensitive heart knows how to encourage and help
The world is full of no-indifferent people. They notice every trifle: inadvertently obdiced keys, not a trimmed lawn, hear a peak from the garbage box...

"Effect Kardashian": the negative influence of the family on the world of beauty and fashion

"Effect Kardashian": the negative influence of the family on the world of beauty and fashion
Is it really good that ten years ago the Kardashian family became very influential in the fashion world and beauty industry? Perhaps before you did...

How El Stewart wanted to sing about a suicide comedian, and eventually sang about the year of the cat?: HISTORY OF THE SONGS "YEAR OF THE CAT"

How El Stewart wanted to sing about a suicide comedian, and eventually sang about the year of the cat?: HISTORY OF THE SONGS "YEAR OF THE CAT"
Al Stewart in 2006 Photo: ru.wikipedia.orgThe creativity of the Scottish singer Ela Stewart was well acquainted Folk Tusovka in the early 1970s. However,...

Will guests from Lithuania and Poland? Grodno will be a fair of artisans "Kazyuki"

Will guests from Lithuania and Poland? Grodno will be a fair of artisans "Kazyuki"
Traditional artisans Fair "Kazyuki" in Grodno will open on March 6. Masters from all over Belarus and from abroad will present handmade products. -...

Leonid Rogozov. The history of the Soviet surgeon, who operated on himself

Leonid Rogozov. The history of the Soviet surgeon, who operated on himself
More important and interesting on our YouTube Channel! Everyone spoke about the young surgeon in the 1960s. Leonid Rogozov committed, it would seem...

16 incomprehensible thing that people came across, and the Internet helped figure out what it is

16 incomprehensible thing that people came across, and the Internet helped figure out what it is
People continue to find a variety of strange thing, and experts continue to answer what it is. For this it is worth saying thanks to the Internet, and...

Expert on Hassp - Who are you? How should you be? Interview with Alexei Fedorov.

Expert on Hassp - Who are you? How should you be? Interview with Alexei Fedorov.
It doesn't matter how much way you go to develop HasSP in a restaurant, in working with a consulting company there is one very important element -...

Ukrainian company created atlas superweight: it looks like Sherp, but only more cooler

Ukrainian company created atlas superweight: it looks like Sherp, but only more cooler
Atlas Industry from Ukraine presented the concept of superweightness, which in its characteristics surrendered the main competitor - the share of...

Couple decided to start a "one more child," and bore five

Couple decided to start a "one more child," and bore five
Similar case - only the second in the US 39-year-old Heather Langley and 35-year-old Priscilla Rodriguez from Texas became parents of six daughters....

The market in the United States can adjust 10% to April

The market in the United States can adjust 10% to April - Bank of America Sales Indicator (NYSE: BAC) signals that the stock market is on the verge of "dangerous optimism", writes Business...

What happened on the crypton, while everyone slept - a review of February 12

What happened on the crypton, while everyone slept - a review of February 12
Bitcoin updated the maximum, Uber thought about payments in cryptocurrency, in Canada launched Bitcoin-etf, and PayPal glances on CBDC - these and other...