Articles #665

Martyr complex: how he manifests itself in the behavior of people

Martyr complex: how he manifests itself in the behavior of people
The martyr complex is a rather common phenomenon in our time. A person who began to manifest or already exists this complex, it is characteristic of ignoring...

Write a comment on "Ivanovo news" and win Yandex.station

Write a comment on "Ivanovo news" and win Yandex.station
Dear readers, half a year ago we launched a new platform for commenting with awards and ratings. The number of comments published by you during this...

5 rich Russian humorists who know how to earn serious money

5 rich Russian humorists who know how to earn serious money
On humor you can earn large fees. This is confirmed by the people who have fallen into the lists of richest Russian celebrities, and their income information...

Denis Babakov: "Mortgage cannot be accused of growing prices"

Denis Babakov: "Mortgage cannot be accused of growing prices" What are your estimates of the past year in St. Petersburg. What events would you notice particularly and how did they influence the markets?...

National Interest spoke about Su-35 superiority over American F-15

National Interest spoke about Su-35 superiority over American F-15
Su-35 has 12 nodes of suspended ammunition, while the F-15 is only eight. American expert Sebastian Rublin, who writes articles for the famous magazine...

How I became a vegetarian

How I became a vegetarian
Up to 33 years old, I was literally all: dumplings, pasta, McDonalds, drank Kola and hone it with chemical marmalads. Familiar, who for some reason...

VTB increased the portfolio of the raised funds to a quarter

VTB increased the portfolio of the raised funds to a quarter
At the end of 2020, the portfolio of attracted funds of individuals in VTB exceeded 6.8 trillion rubles, an increase of 26%. Investment instruments...

The number of victims in a terrible accident in the Bratsky district has grown to five

The number of victims in a terrible accident in the Bratsky district has grown to five
Bratsky District, 17.02.21 (IA Teleinform), - another dead man found during work at the site of an accident with a regular bus, a truck and a foreign car...

Office images capable of transforming a woman of any age

Office images capable of transforming a woman of any age
In this publication, we will help you choose your ideal office image in which you will work comfortably, but at the same time you will look stunning....

18 women who decided not to follow standards and love their gray hair

18 women who decided not to follow standards and love their gray hair
It is very difficult not to depend on the opinions of others and love their appearance, not trying to fit it under the generally accepted standards. Hot...

Vacuum spheres. Estonia believes that Russia will not be able to politically divide Europe

Vacuum spheres. Estonia believes that Russia will not be able to politically divide Europe
Russia will not be able to continue its usual policies in Europe, sharing this continent on the spheres of influence. This was stated by the President...

"Is it possible to pregnant coffee?": Answers to the most popular questions about pregnancy.

"Is it possible to pregnant coffee?": Answers to the most popular questions about pregnancy.
You can firmly feel, because the child grows in you! Despite the fact that there are many books and useful materials on pregnancy, it still remains...

"It looks expensive-rich, in quality - you can not say that from Fix Price!": 10 best products for the house for February

"It looks expensive-rich, in quality - you can not say that from Fix Price!": 10 best products for the house for February
February in Fix Prius was rich in standing innovations. Here is our list of selected finds, gathered the largest number of positive feedback.Mats under...

Vanilla blond: 15 delightful options for each of you

Vanilla blond: 15 delightful options for each of you
Vanilla Blond: 15 Delightful options for each of you KatiaThe concept of "vanilla blonde" is wide. This color can be warm, and cool, it is soft, with...