Articles #644

How has the school changed in recent years: comparing how it was before, and how now

How has the school changed in recent years: comparing how it was before, and how now
Previously, the school was happy with joy to get new knowledge, meet with favorite teachers and . But every year new rules are introduced in educational...

? 6 facts about urrows, which cut the tunnels in ice under the heat

? 6 facts about urrows, which cut the tunnels in ice under the heat
In Yakutia, the peasants cut the tunnels in the ice of the Lena River under the huge heights. This is a very dangerous and one of the most rare professions...

The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?

The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?
The Russian car on the corner and the Swiss Eurostandard - what will chose KTZ?Astana. February 4th. KazTAG - JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir...

By the summer of 2021, the Central Bank will present a detailed concept of a digital ruble

By the summer of 2021, the Central Bank will present a detailed concept of a digital ruble
Elvira Nabiullina, Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, said that in June 2021 discussion of the detailed concept of the digital...

Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the "New Borov" with car numbers and places of work. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs told why

Militia 3 days is the listings of the residents of the "New Borov" with car numbers and places of work. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs told why
Residents of "New Borovy" these days involuntarily felt themselves criminals and inhabitants of destructive ghetto....

15 beautiful spring images for women of elegant age

15 beautiful spring images for women of elegant age
A woman at any age should look stylish and modern! This is the main rule that should adhere to the 5th century fashionable. For your inspiration and...

For the year in the Ivanovo region closed nearly 200 bars, hotels and restaurants

For the year in the Ivanovo region closed nearly 200 bars, hotels and restaurants "Ivanovo News" already told that another part of the restaurants are ready to turn their business. According to the estimates of the business-restaurants...

What in Russia is sold for cryptocurrency - Overview of the advertisement market

What in Russia is sold for cryptocurrency - Overview of the advertisement market
Analysts which year say that the digital assets market needs adaptation. At the same time, how much cryptocurrencies have already penetrated the life...

When it is better to buy an apartment

When it is better to buy an apartment
When the speech of the acquisition of housing arises many questions and it is desirable to immediately get answers on them. Learn about the benefit of...

There were no 2.5 months: statistics on Kovida on February 1 in the Sverdlovsk region. List of cities

There were no 2.5 months: statistics on Kovida on February 1 in the Sverdlovsk region. List of cities
The Sverdlovsk region is slow, but correctly moving towards victory over coronavirus, even mortality began to decrease. So over the past day, 348 cases...

Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Shrubs

Dream Garden: Unique Fruit Trees and Shrubs
Good afternoon, my reader. The layout of a small land plot is a difficult matter. After all, the garden, vegetable beds, flower beds need to fit on the...

"Real boys against zombies": a dead man named Kolyan

"Real boys against zombies": a dead man named Kolyan
On January 30, a television premiere of the film "Real boys against zombies" will be held on the TNT television channel, where Zombie Apocalypse collapses...

50 shades of parental pain: Reddit users told that the most difficult thing in life with a newborn

50 shades of parental pain: Reddit users told that the most difficult thing in life with a newborn
The Reddit Customer with Nick Kkuzzy asked the parents that it turned out to be the most difficult to care for newborn children and for several hours...

Boris Efimov: Personal enemy Hitler and native brother "Enemy of the People"

Boris Efimov: Personal enemy Hitler and native brother "Enemy of the People"
Boris Efimovich Friedlyand was born in Kiev in the family of the Efim's shoelaffee artisan Moiseevich Friedland and Rachel Savelyevna. To drawing a...