Articles #64

Interviews on Crimson Desert On the connection of Singleler and Multiplayer, the plot and the open world

Interviews on Crimson Desert On the connection of Singleler and Multiplayer, the plot and the open world
Not so long ago it became known that Crimson Desert is no longer a game in the MMORPG genre, but refers to the Action RPG with an open world. Prerequisites...

Landing green onion, painted in soda solution

Landing green onion, painted in soda solution
Good afternoon, my reader. Before planting, soak onions in soda can be both in the autumn period and in the spring. This procedure will help to increase...

Scientists: Nine Planet may be tiny black hole

Scientists: Nine Planet may be tiny black hole
Image taken with: Some scientists believe that the solar-called ninth planet may turn out to be a tiny black hole. A massive...

Requisites Treasury Accounts change: how to fill out payment orders

Requisites Treasury Accounts change: how to fill out payment orders
This year, details have changed to pay for mandatory payments. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in paying taxes and insurance premiums need...

On Baikal for the Day of Spring Equinoxy will build an ice labyrinth

On Baikal for the Day of Spring Equinoxy will build an ice labyrinth
Buryatia, 21.02.21 (IA "Teleinform"), - On the Lake Baikal, by March 21, 2021, it is planned to create a labyrinth of ice. Now the organizers choose the...

5 simple things that we can do for yourself, but for children

5 simple things that we can do for yourself, but for children
How many times repeated the world that the oxygen mask of the resource recovery is first put on the parent, and after that - to the child. But many...

Polish politician asked Putin and Bayden to take measures to liberate Armenians held by the authorities of Azerbaijan

Polish politician asked Putin and Bayden to take measures to liberate Armenians held by the authorities of Azerbaijan
Polish politician and lawyer Tomashe Leh Buchek sent a letter and his recent publication about the war crimes of Azerbaijan against Armenians to the...

4 flower in our garden, which are deadly dangerous for chickens

4 flower in our garden, which are deadly dangerous for chickens
Flowers decorate our flowerbeds and please the eyes, but some of them are poisonous for chickens. And when we release the chickens on the will, you...

How to choose a good bow-north

How to choose a good bow-north
Experts of the Vladimir branch of Rosselkhozcentre tell how to choose a good bow-north. In the spring of gilders begins hot time: you need to have...

Vaccinated from COVID-19 or not?

Vaccinated from COVID-19 or not?
Is it worthwhile to fear COVID-19, how to acquire immunity, what vaccines exist and what they differ. Is there a choice now, and if not - when it appears....

Causes of shrinking stocks on trees

Causes of shrinking stocks on trees
Good afternoon, my reader. Often on fruit trees there is a reset of the strings after flowering, which is very saddened by the gardeners. Also sometimes...

In Lithuania, from the new year, they banned smoking on balconies of high-rise buildings. Many this ban liked

In Lithuania, from the new year, they banned smoking on balconies of high-rise buildings. Many this ban liked
From 2021, the law prohibiting the smoking on the balconies (including its own) of multi-storey houses, if it prevents at least one inhabitants to...

The Cry of Love (1971) - Jimi Hendrix - all about the album

The Cry of Love (1971) - Jimi Hendrix - all about the album
The history of the album "The Cry of Love" by Jimi Hendricks (creating and interesting facts) ... "The Cry of Love" - ​​a posthumous album by Jimi...

Who he is the new husband of Guise Larisa. Photo. Who lived and there was an actress before him

Who he is the new husband of Guise Larisa. Photo. Who lived and there was an actress before him
Larisa Guzeyev became famous as a brilliant actress and the main Swash country. The personal life of the television star was always very violent. It is...