Articles #625

OnePlus is preparing something special in 2021. What to wait?

OnePlus is preparing something special in 2021. What to wait?
OnePlus began his way in 2014 with OnePlus One, which made a revolution on the market, as the very first real killer flagships. Thanks to this brand, the...

Rallies and pickets: how they celebrated March 8 worldwide

Rallies and pickets: how they celebrated March 8 worldwide
March 8 is an international women's day. This is not just a holiday, when men give women flowers, but also the date, symbolizing the struggle for the equality...

Triad of jealousy and catharsis

Triad of jealousy and catharsis
Greetings to you on the channel EMPATH! Will not waste time! Jealousy is not an easy, triad and very specific feeling: shameful, painful and...

Main news: Powell and "Great Threat" Inflation

Main news: Powell and "Great Threat" Inflation - The head of the US Federal Reserve System by Jerome Powell will begin two-day speeches before Congress, while concerns with respect...

10 cases, when different actresses played the same heroine. And we can not decide who better coped with the role

10 cases, when different actresses played the same heroine. And we can not decide who better coped with the role
Some stories, fictional or reality, fall in love with people that the directions are taken for their filmization again and again. Sometimes they manage...

The driver, which consisted in a knight club, two children. Who is the man who rose himself in Minsk

The driver, which consisted in a knight club, two children. Who is the man who rose himself in Minsk
Literally an hour after the incident on the Square of Independence, information about the name and surname of the men and the link...

15 celebrities that are ready for dogs for everything. Some even pay redemption of $ 500,000

15 celebrities that are ready for dogs for everything. Some even pay redemption of $ 500,000
Dogs are capable not only to bring their masters and joy to the life of their masters, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This means...

Tuclear Lesbians The famous doll caused rage from American parents

Tuclear Lesbians The famous doll caused rage from American parents
The brand was announced boycott The American Girl's famous doll has acquired lesbian aunt-lesbians, and conservative Americans fell in angry comments...

"July rain." Repeated rental

"July rain." Repeated rental
Moscow. The second half of the 60s. The film captured life, interests, daily worries, excitement of intelligentsia times thaw. Heroes of Lena (Eugene...

Commandment first: do back-up

Commandment first: do back-up
14425? FBclid = iwar0PRN2B4B7BFXO09WECoe6WG_XT06XHVIPXZ4WVZSI8VXATPG7JY0ACAKC Today, my attention was paid to the discussion about the stolen smartphone....

Honor V40 came out! What's wrong with google and what is his processor

Honor V40 came out! What's wrong with google and what is his processor
All the words that can now be used at the beginning of the Honor article, are reduced to the "Former Huawei Substrend ...". But you need to get used to...

The feat of the Supper Heroes from the 316th Rifle Division Panfilova

The feat of the Supper Heroes from the 316th Rifle Division Panfilova
There were few of them. Significantly less than heroes-Panfilovtsev, but they were from the magnificent cohort. They could not enter into battle, this...

Fashion for spring-summer 2021 for women for 50

Fashion for spring-summer 2021 for women for 50
Correctly chosen clothing can change the image beyond recognition, so now we will get acquainted with fashion trends in 2021 for the spring-summer for...

New MicroLino double electric car will appear in Europe

New MicroLino double electric car will appear in Europe
Compact novelty will be able to drive at one charge up to 200 km. Micro, the Swiss brand, the most famous thanks to the creation of the first folding...