Articles #610

20+ people who brought from traveling not a magnet, but epic impressions for life

20+ people who brought from traveling not a magnet, but epic impressions for life
Most people go on a journey not only to relax, but also for new impressions. Oddly enough, sometimes the most vivid memories of the trip abroad are not...

How Astrakhan met the new year

How Astrakhan met the new year
The New Year's salutes were rummed up, the traditional festive euphoria was held - Astrakhan healed his measured everyday life. Guestionally long weekends,...

Details about vaccination in split

Details about vaccination in split
Good afternoon, my reader. The vaccination in the split is used for the varietal renewal of the garden and increase the immunity of trees to adverse climatic...

The state is not profitable strong ruble: how much will the dollar cost after the holidays?

The state is not profitable strong ruble: how much will the dollar cost after the holidays?
A number of experts traditionally before the new year predict the collapse of the dollar. But not everyone agrees with this position. How will the...

Not about snowmen

Not about snowmen
That evening, I took Matthew from the garden already with solid intention to sculpt a snowman ... Such a quiet snow fell on such a quiet city that...

20 photos of unusual things and phenomena that will make you say: "Damn it, it's cool!"

20 photos of unusual things and phenomena that will make you say: "Damn it, it's cool!"
Have you ever witnessed a rare moment that you can call one million, but you didn't have a camera at hand to capture it? Well, if it happened to you, and...

12 benchmarks that could look completely different

12 benchmarks that could look completely different
It is difficult to imagine that the main characters of many of our favorite films could play other actors. For example, "beauty." Without Richard Gira...

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana

? 3 Recipes pancakes to Maslenitsa: with salmon, cottage cheese and banana
Maslenitsa will begin next week, so it's time to stock up the casual recipes of pancakes. We have collected several proven, so we recommend that you also...

Symptoms helping to understand that it's time to throw strawberry bushes

Symptoms helping to understand that it's time to throw strawberry bushes
Good afternoon, my reader. Large juicy fruits of strawberries testify to the quality development of plants. Over time, the berries are crushed, and it...

In WHO, they called the work of Russian doctors in the fight against the COVID-19 "example for future generations"

In WHO, they called the work of Russian doctors in the fight against the COVID-19 "example for future generations"
This is stated in the joint article of the Director of the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Klaj and the representative...

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara
Any actors could easily become the president of the country. Even the performer who has played the main character with an indecent name. Tata-Tata...

Following Biofacket: Activists reported on the barbaric "restoration" in the main building of Moscow State University

Following Biofacket: Activists reported on the barbaric "restoration" in the main building of Moscow State University
I did not have time to subscribe a scandal with the repair of a biological and soil corps (and a large biological audience in particular), as activists...

It was / became: as the heroines of the series "Sex in the Big City" changed in 22 years

It was / became: as the heroines of the series "Sex in the Big City" changed in 22 years
Since the release of the pilot episode of the TV series "Sex in the Big City" has passed more than 22 years. The first series of show spectators were shown...

Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to?

Vintage cucumbers to the first frost. Is it possible to?
Good afternoon, my reader. Under the optimal conditions, the cucumbers are capable of bringing harvest to the first frosts, but often cease to be froned...