Articles #606

Why do parents do not want to go to school and kindergarten meetings

Why do parents do not want to go to school and kindergarten meetings
Parent meeting - the phrase causing a shiver of fear in children. But this event causes negative not only among students, but also their parents. Not everyone...

Stages ignores the decision of the English court in favor of Kazakhstan

Stages ignores the decision of the English court in favor of Kazakhstan
Stages ignores the decision of the English court in favor of KazakhstanAstana. March 12th. KazTAG - Moldavian oligarch Anatol War ignores the decision...

8 children of Russian celebrities, which were born due to surrogate motherhood

8 children of Russian celebrities, which were born due to surrogate motherhood
The surrogate motherhood in Russia became widely known in many respects, thanks to celebrities. They introduced a fashion for the services of hired...

That Voyager-1 saw on the satellite of Jupiter Io

That Voyager-1 saw on the satellite of Jupiter Io
That Voyager-1 saw on the satellite of Jupiter IoThis opening story, which once and forever changed the presentation of scientists about satellites of...

How to deal with the pests of the gooseberry and currant

How to deal with the pests of the gooseberry and currant
Good afternoon, my reader. Garden plants have many enemies. If they do not fight with them, then you can remain not only without harvest, but also without...

"Bales Bank" and BVI are approved by operators to use accumulations seized from ENPF

"Bales Bank" and BVI are approved by operators to use accumulations seized from ENPF
"Bales Bank" and BVI are approved by operators to use accumulations seized from ENPFAstana. January 20th. KazTAG - JSC Housing Building Savings Bank...

How to overcome uncertainty and insecurity: everything you need to know

How to overcome uncertainty and insecurity: everything you need to know
The first part: the most likely causes of the emergence of uncertainty and insecurity. How to overcome uncertainty and unprotectedYour thoughts sabotize...

28 days later: how will our life change after quarantine

28 days later: how will our life change after quarantine
28 days later: how will our life change after quarantineMan - thing Sociologists call the modern Western World of consumption by society, and psychologists...

Central children's shop and restaurants around Lubyanka will close the day due to the action in Moscow

Central children's shop and restaurants around Lubyanka will close the day due to the action in Moscow
Central children's store on Lubyanka.In the center of Moscow, on January 31, restaurants, cafes and part of the stores will not work, spoke on the...

Citizens must receive all the services they need in one medical institution - Tokayev

Citizens must receive all the services they need in one medical institution - Tokayev
Citizens must receive all the services they need in one medical institution - TokayevAstana. 25 February. KazTAG - citizens should receive all the...

Anna-Detective II ": Shooting Completed

Anna-Detective II ": Shooting Completed
Star MEDIA film company and "Boomerang" completed shooting the second season of a historic detective with elements of the Mysticism "Anna-Detective"...

Named the most popular LADA models in the North-West in 2020

Named the most popular LADA models in the North-West in 2020
According to the sales of the Pragmatika Group of Companies, the most popular Lada models in 2020 in the north-west were Vestas and Granta sedans, as well...

Chinese RPG Playing Open World enters the top 5 Steam by the number of simultaneous players

Chinese RPG Playing Open World enters the top 5 Steam by the number of simultaneous players
Tale of Immortal (or 鬼谷) is an early access sandbox simulator, which came out only a week ago, but it did not prevent him from becoming one of the most...

Mortal accident on a snow-covered track. What did the roads look in the regions?

Mortal accident on a snow-covered track. What did the roads look in the regions?
In the West, the country continues to abandon the snow from the snow and the...