Articles #591

Chicken salad with spinach and crispy potatoes

Chicken salad with spinach and crispy potatoes
This unusual salad is simple and quickly prepared and it turns out surprisingly satisfying and tasty. Suitable for a family dinner, but can be put on a...

How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology

How to better know yourself and your environment?: Interesting facts from psychology
How to better know yourself and your environment? Photo: Depositphotos.Owning - owns the world. You can, only knowing, understanding and respecting...

During the construction of roads in 2020, the Perm region did not master 23% of federal funds

During the construction of roads in 2020, the Perm region did not master 23% of federal funds
In 2020, the Perm Territory was not mastered by 87.8 million rubles allocated from the federal budget for the construction and reconstruction of roads...

In Skoltech and Mit offered the optimal architecture of the lunar module

In Skoltech and Mit offered the optimal architecture of the lunar module
In Skoltech and Mit offered the optimal architecture of the lunar moduleAn article describing the results of the study was published in the Acta Astronautica...

The artist from Belarus, which sells his fingerprint for $ 1 million: "Sure, no one will buy it"

The artist from Belarus, which sells his fingerprint for $ 1 million: "Sure, no one will buy it"
It was not just an imprint on the auction, but the rights to the work of art made using the technology of non-violent tokens. So recently,...

20+ stories about foreigners who could not understand the mysterious Russian soul. Although they tried very much

20+ stories about foreigners who could not understand the mysterious Russian soul. Although they tried very much
The culture of each country is unique, and sometimes foreigners are difficult to comprehend, no matter how trying. We are well aware of what the phrase...

Little things that will help rejuvenate for 10 years older women over 50

Little things that will help rejuvenate for 10 years older women over 50
Each woman aged tries to look younger using various tricks and cosmetics. But some think that since youth left, then dressing beautifully and stylish just...

iPhone 7 in 2021 - fire? Should I buy an iPhone 7?

iPhone 7 in 2021 - fire? Should I buy an iPhone 7?
Hello, dear readers of the website If you are watching this review, most likely or are you planning to buy iPhone 7, or do you have in your...

Chou Maine with chicken

Chou Maine with chicken
Chow Maine-famous Chinese dish, which has become popular around the world. Roasted in the technique of Styr-Fry vegetables with noodles and chicken in...

How and where to work with the child in the hands: useful lifehaki and options

How and where to work with the child in the hands: useful lifehaki and options
Tips for those who do not leave a child When the working days began and needed to go to the office, and the holidays or the reconnaissance at school...

Everything about Apple Watch Series 7: Release date, rumors, characteristics and prices

Everything about Apple Watch Series 7: Release date, rumors, characteristics and prices
From 2015 to 2020, the new generations Apple Watch comes out annually. The usual in the first month of autumn. Nothing prevents Apple to break this tradition,...

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty

Bake the heck in the oven quickly, useful about tasty
One of the most dietary and delicious fish is, of course, Heck. It is so universal that it can be frying in a frying pan with a whole fillet or sliced...

Again in fashion: Clothing of the 2000s is returned to us

Again in fashion: Clothing of the 2000s is returned to us
It seems that zero were quite recently, and more than 20 years have passed. How fast flies time. Two more decades behind. Zero it was its own era of...

Thiness of the week: Inuikii lunas on rubber sole

Thiness of the week: Inuikii lunas on rubber sole
If you caught the 1980s, then surely remember the shoes-lunaries from the waterproof material, which were considered to be the peak of fashion and...