Articles #574

Matches as an effective means of salvation of a disappearing plant

Matches as an effective means of salvation of a disappearing plant
Good afternoon, my reader. Often, the death of potted plants and garden crops leads the invasion of midges and other parasites. You can get rid of pests...

Investors Ton want tens of millions from Durov. What can be said about their chances?

Investors Ton want tens of millions from Durov. What can be said about their chances?
Hello, dear readers of the website Investors of the DA VINCI CAPITAL Foundation want to compensate for the damage caused by the closing of the...

Stromatolites could appear on Earth due to viruses

Stromatolites could appear on Earth due to viruses
Stromatolites could appear on Earth due to virusesThe work was published in the journal Trends in MicrobioGiology. Against the background of the pandemic,...

Three fastest massage techniques for mothers who will remove fatigue per minute

Three fastest massage techniques for mothers who will remove fatigue per minute
Massage - one of the best ways to relax and get pleasure. But not everyone has the opportunity to resort to this type of pleasure. Some have no extra money,...

05-21.02 Festival "World Asia in Streat"

05-21.02 Festival "World Asia in Streat"
The Gastronomic Street Streat supported the UN initiative to recognize the new year by the International Year of Peace and Trust and announced the...

Speed ​​limits found in the quantum world

Speed ​​limits found in the quantum world
If the quantum theory is correct, then from such quantum particles as atoms, you can expect a very strange behavior. But despite chaos, they may seem quantum...

Skoda added a diesel version into the OCTAVIA VRS lineup

Skoda added a diesel version into the OCTAVIA VRS lineup
Skoda Octavia VRS will receive the most powerful diesel engine - 2.0-liter TDI with a capacity of 197 horsepower. New diesel about 15 hp more powerful...

Signs of currant diseases

Signs of currant diseases
Good afternoon, my reader. For the successful combination of diseases of currant, they will need knowledge of their signs and differences, otherwise incorrect...

New poverty threshold: to whom and what help is put in Latvia

New poverty threshold: to whom and what help is put in Latvia
New Year brought Latvians an increase in state support to the poorest segments of the population. Minimal pensions increased in old age and disability,...

Ivan Belozerstsev. Biographical reference

Ivan Belozerstsev. Biographical reference
Penza, March 21 - PenzaNews. Governor of the Penza region Ivan Belozers, as well as a number of other persons, including Boris Spiegel, who heads the Biotek...

Birthday Radio "Lighthouse" in Samara celebrated more than 100,000 people

Birthday Radio "Lighthouse" in Samara celebrated more than 100,000 people
Never again the birthday of Samara radio "Lighthouse" did not become an ordinary episode of the media life of the region. If contests, then fascinating...

How to save the summer dacha, without pouring out water out of it

How to save the summer dacha, without pouring out water out of it
Good afternoon, my reader. A rare country farm costs without such an important adaptation as a barrel in which rainwater is going. However, many novice...

What is aware of the new authorized governor of the Tula region of hope of shkolkina?

What is aware of the new authorized governor of the Tula region of hope of shkolkina?
Nadezhda Ukkkin - Authorized representative of the governor Tula region in cooperation with representative bodies of municipalities. Only the day...