Articles #557

As the secret tank T-62 did not get the Chinese

As the secret tank T-62 did not get the Chinese
On March 2, 1969, a Soviet-Chinese border conflict on Damansky island broke out. In that distant frosty spring, the island of Damansky's border guards...

20+ people showed how the reverse side of their working days

20+ people showed how the reverse side of their working days
There are hundreds of thousands of different professions in the world. Each of them has their difficulties and at the same time its charms. It seems to...

There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release

There are no such in Belarus. Restored Opel Ascona 1979 release
A quick glance at this car so that Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Impala 60s immediately pop up in memory. The owner of the car...

Rating of famous people of Moscow born on January 14

Rating of famous people of Moscow born on January 14 represents the top 5 stars of Russia born on January 14th. The rating was formed on the basis of the content analysis of the information...

The most thickness in the world of the child managed to lose 108 kg: how he became now

The most thickness in the world of the child managed to lose 108 kg: how he became now
A 14-year-old boy - Arya Perman became the world famous world for special qualities and merit, but for a huge weight. Already at this age, he needs to...

? Washing and humidifier: What to choose?

? Washing and humidifier: What to choose?
With the beginning of the pandemic, people began to take care of their health more, and especially worry about his maintenance at home. It is because of...

Color sellers complain that the rent in front of March 8 has risen in price in more than five times

Color sellers complain that the rent in front of March 8 has risen in price in more than five times
In Grodno this year, the rental of the trading place "on the tile" near the stop "Bus station" has risen in price more than 5 times. Last year, the rent...

Scientists, actors and businessmen demanded to terminate political persecution in Russia

Scientists, actors and businessmen demanded to terminate political persecution in Russia
Economist Sergey Guriev, Founder of VimpelCom, Dmitry Zimin, Director Vitaly Manx and more than 180 scientists, actors, writers, journalists, directors,...

Hunting for phantoms: "Green fog" Guy Maddine and Ghosts San Francisco

Hunting for phantoms: "Green fog" Guy Maddine and Ghosts San Francisco
Green Fog Guy Maddine and His Permanent Co-authors of the last years - Evan's brothers and Galen Johnsonovv's co-authorship with Evan and Galen Johnson...

Huawei is trying to enter the US government dialogue and serves China

Huawei is trying to enter the US government dialogue and serves China
Well, now we propose to take a look at the master class on handling in flight from Huawei. Because the Chinese brand, apparently, is very tired of kneeling...

"Under the glass cap." How to heep a greenhouse in winter, having robs yourself from extra spending

"Under the glass cap." How to heep a greenhouse in winter, having robs yourself from extra spending
Good afternoon, my reader. Cold is not at all reason to switch to canned food and forget about fresh greenery and vegetables. Do not deny yourself the...

What is tea mushroom and how to use it correctly?

What is tea mushroom and how to use it correctly?
What is tea mushroom and how to use it correctly? Photo: Depositphotos.Reasonable tea mushroom is considered not only specialists in alternative medicine....

I let go offense, but it was too late

I let go offense, but it was too late
It is said that children's resentments are very difficult to eradicate. Apparently, it is true, because they prevented me to live normally for many years...

How to make a small kitchen comfortable and beautiful: 6 litters

How to make a small kitchen comfortable and beautiful: 6 litters
Simple, working, and most importantly, quite budget ways to arrange a comfortable and stylish space. Even on the smallest area, you can equip the kitchen...