Articles #490

The military transport aircraft collapsed to kindergarten: Classified Soviet tragedy

The military transport aircraft collapsed to kindergarten: Classified Soviet tragedy
More than 48 years ago there was a tragedy that almost three decades hidden. And when they were allowed to speak and write about it, the titles in...

Shares of foreign issuers

Shares of foreign issuers
Is it worth investing money in the shares of foreign issuers? This question can be answered unequivocally: yes, if there is such an opportunity. And...

March - Lias.

March - Lias.
Sometimes a day longer than a year, time is lying, and it seems that all the battles are lost ... March - liar. It depicts what was loyal in the summer,...

The newest Rocket Complexes of Air Defense from Russia became a threat to US Air Force

The newest Rocket Complexes of Air Defense from Russia became a threat to US Air Force
Many high US military ranks express serious concern for their new F-22 and F-35 fighters and B-2 bombers. The command of the US Armed Forces due to Russia's...

Astron: Soviet Space Telescope, which was launched 38 years ago

Astron: Soviet Space Telescope, which was launched 38 years ago
Astron: Soviet Space Telescope, which was launched 38 years agoWhen it comes to space telescopes, many people first remember Hubble, although over the...

Frank interview with Prince Harry and Megan Marck: Key points

Frank interview with Prince Harry and Megan Marck: Key points
On March 7, a frank interview with Prince Harry and Megan Plant was published on the CBS channel. Uncomfortable questions of the pair asked OPRA Winfrey....

Rare case. Belarusian with SMA lives more than 30 years and is trying to find his place in society

Rare case. Belarusian with SMA lives more than 30 years and is trying to find his place in society
To live with a diagnosis of "spinal muscle atrophy" is sometimes impossible for several years. Alexander Moiseenko from Zhabinka...

Sergey Ten rated the fulfillment of the National BKAD project in the Irkutsk region

Sergey Ten rated the fulfillment of the National BKAD project in the Irkutsk region
Irkutsk Region, 19/01/21 (IA "Teleinform"), - Deputy of the State Duma from the Irkutsk region Sergey Ten rated the fulfillment of the national project...

The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building

The trial of Viktor Babarico began. There was a queue near the entrance to the building
Today, the process of "Belgazprombank" and Viktor Babarico begins. Recall, he was detained on June 18. Together with Viktor...

14 inexpensive, but very steep fittings for the bathroom (they greatly simplify life and cleaning)

14 inexpensive, but very steep fittings for the bathroom (they greatly simplify life and cleaning)
It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a bathroom. This is the place where we can fully relax.We offer to look at the bathroom...

Scientists explained the cause of the uniqueness of the Galapagos Islands

Scientists explained the cause of the uniqueness of the Galapagos Islands
Scientists explained the cause of the uniqueness of the Galapagos IslandsGalapagos Islands are famous for unique endemics, who inspired Charles Darwin...

"Topi": Guide to doomed

"Topi": Guide to doomed
Asthenic syndrome. No, in "Tops" do not quote Kiru Muratov. However, the heroes of the series with each sip of local water feel more and more nervous...

Women's Day in Science: Psychiatrist Right from Boguchar was one of the leading experts in the USSR

Women's Day in Science: Psychiatrist Right from Boguchar was one of the leading experts in the USSR
On February 11, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated. In the Voronezh region there were many outstanding women scientists,...

Does the export of Indian grapes reflected in the export of the Indian grapes

Does the export of Indian grapes reflected in the export of the Indian grapes
The All-India Association of Vine Exporters (Aigea) believes that the European Union Resolution (EU) against the Mankotzba will affect the export...