Articles #488

Network users told what fashion trends they will not follow, even if all clothes are in the world

Network users told what fashion trends they will not follow, even if all clothes are in the world
For many people, trend things are an important way of self-expression. However, one modern trends seem really steep, and others cause protest and bewilderment....

Sleep phase delay syndrome - the reason for which some people cannot get up in the morning

Sleep phase delay syndrome - the reason for which some people cannot get up in the morning
How do you see your ideal routine of the day? Most people on the planet are likely to answer that they like to get up in the mornings and go to bed until...

Chinese Martian probe Tianwen-1 falls into the orbit of Mars

Chinese Martian probe Tianwen-1 falls into the orbit of Mars
The Chinese robotic probe Tianwen-1 was released on a given "Parking Orbit" over Mars on Wednesday and will fly along this orbit about three months,...

On the birthday of Teryaan ...

On the birthday of Teryaan ...
136 years ago, on February 9, 1885, in the family of a rural priest in the village of Gandza near Akhalkalaki, the great Armenian poet Vaan Teriaan...

The preservation of ecology has become a matter of peace and war for Kyrgyzstan - an expert

The preservation of ecology has become a matter of peace and war for Kyrgyzstan - an expert
The preservation of ecology has become a matter of peace and war for Kyrgyzstan - an expertOn February 3, the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved the...

How to choose a suitable sports section for a child

How to choose a suitable sports section for a child
Parents want only the best for their children. It is important for them that sons and daughters grow smart, educated and, of course, healthy. When the...

On the website of the Closed Plant "Moskvich" are still available prices for the 2001 models

On the website of the Closed Plant "Moskvich" are still available prices for the 2001 models
The official site of the plant AZLK still works. It is still possible to see prices for models, relevant for September 2001. 20 years ago, a new "Moskvich",...

The President decided not to sign the draft Decree and appeal to the Constitutional Court

The President decided not to sign the draft Decree and appeal to the Constitutional Court
The President of Armenia made a statement about the application for the release of the head of the General Staff of Sun Ra Ras Onik Gasparyan, the...

Artem Sosnovikov: "Sometimes the investigators of Su SK in the Ivanovo region threaten"

Artem Sosnovikov: "Sometimes the investigators of Su SK in the Ivanovo region threaten"
This year was exactly 10 years from the day the investigative committee of Russia. With the head of the first department for the investigation of...

"Artificial molecules" open the way to the creation of ultricular polariton devices

"Artificial molecules" open the way to the creation of ultricular polariton devices
"Artificial molecules" open the way to the creation of ultricular polariton devicesAn article describing the results of the study was published in the...

What you need to know about winter-resistant apple trees

What you need to know about winter-resistant apple trees
Good afternoon, my reader. In areas with a cold climate, it is not so easy to grow apple-garden. After all, not all varieties of apple trees can withstand...

Fresh overview of the best motoblocks for 2021: examples of diesel and gasoline equipment

Fresh overview of the best motoblocks for 2021: examples of diesel and gasoline equipment
Landowners, farmers and gardeners interested in high crops, do not do without garden technology. Therefore, many are thinking about the purchase of a motoblock....

10+ increhensible ideas of Christmas dishes, trying which you immediately change your mind to cook ordinary olivier

10+ increhensible ideas of Christmas dishes, trying which you immediately change your mind to cook ordinary olivier
It is time for traditional Christmas campaigns to grocery stores for buckets with mayonnaise, doctoral sausage and a strategic reserve of peas ahead. On...

Deceived by the Developer "Petrost" the shareholders are going to arrange a rally from their long-term

Deceived by the Developer "Petrost" the shareholders are going to arrange a rally from their long-term
It is assumed that the action will be authorized on the territory of the Leningrad region, now citizens are trying to harmonize the event. Prii is planning...