Articles #46

3 things I'm waiting for Huawei in 2021

3 things I'm waiting for Huawei in 2021
2020 For many, it was not the most successful for many, but most of all got Huawei. US trade restrictions played their own business, interfering with the...

New Hampshire Commission about the danger of 5G networks

New Hampshire Commission about the danger of 5G networks
New Hampshire Commission about the danger of 5G networksThe development and launch of new technologies is often accompanied by various scandals and...

The driver who knocked his grandmother with his granddaughter on the street of Kamenka, sentenced. Here is his last word

The driver who knocked his grandmother with his granddaughter on the street of Kamenka, sentenced. Here is his last word
To four and a half years, the colony sentenced the driver of the driver of Sergei Sharicikov, who shot down on December 5, 2019 of two children with their...

Another championship is transferred from Minsk

Another championship is transferred from Minsk
The Championship of the World Pentaboth will be transferred from Minsk due to the unstable situation in Belarus. In the international alliance of the...

Three popular practices that love girls talk "No"

Three popular practices that love girls talk "No"
No mother, grandparents, grandfather and no father say proudly: I teach, they say, daughter tolerate sexual violence ... Source: Resource Psychology....

"Two hundred grams of explosives" in kids, or a little about children's aggression

"Two hundred grams of explosives" in kids, or a little about children's aggression
Aggression in young children is a kind of battery .. "In every small child, and the boy, and the girl, there are two hundred grams of explosives, or...

We know what a shirt is dreaming American humorists

We know what a shirt is dreaming American humorists
We are accustomed that shirts with short sleeves can be worn only at hot season. Of course, if you want to combine it with shorts and slaps, then agree...

In 2020, Volkswagen has tripled supply electric vehicles to the global market

In 2020, Volkswagen has tripled supply electric vehicles to the global market
The German automaker Volkswagen continues to increase the production of electric vehicles, so in 2020 the world market came 3 times more machines with...

20+ people who just blended. And their fantasy created a new masterpiece

20+ people who just blended. And their fantasy created a new masterpiece
Sometimes almost every one of us is heard not that there is actually. Most often, this happens with the lyrics, when due to musical accompaniment and the...

Zamiculkas - Proper Crossing Dollar Tree

Zamiculkas - Proper Crossing Dollar Tree
Good afternoon, my reader. Zamiculkas, also known as a dollar tree, is popular among flower flowering. This is an unpretentious potted plant, which looks...

Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building, "Babi boom" and inertia statistics

Childhood becomes closely: school and kindergarten in a new building, "Babi boom" and inertia statistics
Mom three children says: in the younger group of kindergarten, where the local education department determined her son, on the list - 90 children. At the...

"There is no universal compositions that help everyone": Is it possible to return efficiency using applications

"There is no universal compositions that help everyone": Is it possible to return efficiency using applications
What experts think about services that choose music for relaxation and concentration. How to work applications that "help" music In September 2020, the...

20 people who decided to climb into someone else's monastery with their charter and remained in cultural shock

20 people who decided to climb into someone else's monastery with their charter and remained in cultural shock
Each time, going to another country, we are trying to thoroughly prepare and look for guidebooks, we study the forums. However, all our ideas about a new...

Novosibirsk lost positions in the ranking of comfortable cities

Novosibirsk lost positions in the ranking of comfortable cities
The capital of Siberia fell in the ranking at once by 29 points, skipping Tomsk ahead. Novosibirsk took the 71st place in the ranking of cities in...