Articles #453

RF will look, can I enter a digital tax

RF will look, can I enter a digital tax
Hello, dear readers of the website The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation wants to introduce taxation for foreign firms that derive...

Bus passengers "Moscow - Penza", overwhelmed in the Spassky district, told about what happened

Bus passengers "Moscow - Penza", overwhelmed in the Spassky district, told about what happened
Most passengers of the flight bus "Moscow - Penza", who has fallen in a serious accident on March 17 in the Spassky district of the Ryazan region,...

It turns out that the film "Chapaeva" had a continuation where he did not drown - "Chapaev with us" 1941

It turns out that the film "Chapaeva" had a continuation where he did not drown - "Chapaev with us" 1941
"Happy you with Petka, young, all life ahead. I get married, work together. War will end, the magnificent will be life. You know what life will be? You...

In early March, the traditional Fair "Kazyuki" will pass in Grodno

In early March, the traditional Fair "Kazyuki" will pass in Grodno
Show your work, share experiences and meet with colleagues artisans will be able at the beginning of March. In Grodno, the traditional Fair "Kazyuki" will...

Details of the procession and rally in Astrakhan for Alexey Navalny

Details of the procession and rally in Astrakhan for Alexey Navalny
On Saturday, January 23, the Astrakhans took part in the All-Russian unauthorized action, requiring freedom of Alexey Navalne-opposition policy, which...

6 familiar things that harm teeth

6 familiar things that harm teeth
You can brush your teeth twice a day, go to the dentist on time and still have problems. It's about our daily habits that are slow, but surely harm a smile....

Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not

Nizhny Tagil paid millions of snow, which was almost not
From October 15 to December 20, MKU "Customer Service of the Urban Economy" (SZGH) adopted and paid the roads of snow cleaning for a total of 17.7...

The deceived shareholders of all the long-term developer "Petrostra" will go to the rally

The deceived shareholders of all the long-term developer "Petrostra" will go to the rally
The deceived shareholders of all problematic residential complexes of the company Petrostra will be gather on a coherent rally on Saturday, March 27. Citizens...

Analysts of the JPMorgan Bank ranked Bitcoin to the class of cyclic assets. What does it mean?

Analysts of the JPMorgan Bank ranked Bitcoin to the class of cyclic assets. What does it mean?
According to analysts JPMorgan Chase, the current stage of market growth is cryptocurrented Bitcoin in one row with cyclic assets. That is, now BTC can...

Morning digest "He": a pedestrian crossing will be erected in March, the numbers changed "EP" on "LDPR", new departments and other results of the day

Morning digest "He": a pedestrian crossing will be erected in March, the numbers changed "EP" on "LDPR", new departments and other results of the day
We will tell you about the past events, but still relevant events that you may have missed. The founder of "Orelgrada" Vlad Numbers headed the Oryol...

17 Fresh ideas for your new haircut

17 Fresh ideas for your new haircut
What could be better than fresh haircuts?! Going out of the cabin you feel 100% and, it seems that you have never been so beautiful, right? Therefore,...

Undercalinking trees: Rules and subtleties

Undercalinking trees: Rules and subtleties
Good afternoon, my reader. "Holy Trinity" of the gardener or gardener is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Without these elements, it does not make sense...

What applications are imperceptible to "kill" your iPhone battery

What applications are imperceptible to "kill" your iPhone battery
Probably, all IOS users have an unsolicited set of applications that we ignore and do not install under any circumstances. In some of these applications...

Graffiti on the prison wall in the UK attributed to Mysterious Bankxi

Graffiti on the prison wall in the UK attributed to Mysterious Bankxi
Banksi is one of the most talented and at the same time secret artists. His work at auctions are sold for the fabulous sums, and the buildings on which...