Articles #412

Volkswagen summed up the results of 2020 - the electromobilization strategy is fully justified by the sales figures

Volkswagen summed up the results of 2020 - the electromobilization strategy is fully justified by the sales figures
The laurel wreath of the European "championship" among the manufacturers of electric vehicles, everything more seriously disputes Volkswagen. At the...

How does neurosette improve the picture in games? About DLSS technology

How does neurosette improve the picture in games? About DLSS technology
When in American militants in the pictures from the satellite, the special agents increased the number of the car to the fully read...

Where do archaeologists know where to conduct excavations?

Where do archaeologists know where to conduct excavations?
Archaeological excavations are carried out in places of the approximate location of the ancient monuments in order to further research. For hundreds...

Seven-year-old Iraid needs money for the rehabilitation course

Seven-year-old Iraid needs money for the rehabilitation course
Iraida from Moscow needs help. Now the girl is 7 years old, she was born ahead of time, the doctors were afraid that the child would not be able to...

Where to look for the Northern Lights? 3 stories about people who devote themselves to the hunt for this phenomenon

Where to look for the Northern Lights? 3 stories about people who devote themselves to the hunt for this phenomenon
Northern Light is one of the most striking phenomena that can be found in the cold regions of Russia, Scandinavian countries or Alaska. For several years...

In Texas, gas wells were frozen and a nuclear power plant stood from the cold: new details of the record blackout

In Texas, gas wells were frozen and a nuclear power plant stood from the cold: new details of the record blackout
In Texas, gas wells were frozen and a nuclear power plant stood from the cold: new details of the record blackoutAs you know, in particular, Texas suffered...

Native Tomsk decided to become the mayor of New York

Native Tomsk decided to become the mayor of New York
Rumors went to the USA that the American financial center may be in the hands of Russia. A native of Tomsk pretends to the post of Mayor of New York....

Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount

Wooden houses will sell with a 10% discount
In one of the past materials, we talked about the project of the Ministry of Industry. - Measures of support for manufacturers of household complexes of...

Results of the movie 2020: failures and disappointment, successes and discoveries, winners and defeated

Results of the movie 2020: failures and disappointment, successes and discoveries, winners and defeated
Results of the movie 2020: failures and disappointment, successes and discoveries, winners and defeatedNow even somehow it is not believed that in the...

Head of the Vladimir registry office Yana Mitrichina told about life and work

Head of the Vladimir registry office Yana Mitrichina told about life and work
Photo by the author On the eve of March 8, we met and talked with the new head of the registry office of Jan Mitrichina. She shared the first impressions...

"D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers": Why the exit was lingered for a year, carved songs, in which episodes was found by Abdulov

"D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers": Why the exit was lingered for a year, carved songs, in which episodes was found by Abdulov
Classic filmosus from the Soviet era. Then, on complete unfortunate, the hit became anything. And here the director, and the actors are talented - the...

15 reasons to love incredible copper hair color

15 reasons to love incredible copper hair color
Warm, soft and unusual. The copper shade of hair is quite rare, today many prefer cool ashonds, blond or dark brown tones. But the shining copper is...

5 best home equipment for descaling in kettle

5 best home equipment for descaling in kettle
Skip in the kettle is considered a dangerous substance. It disrupts the work of the heating element in electrical models and worsens the water quality....

Dmitry Vesevitinov. Who Pushkin wrote his Lensky? Part 2

Dmitry Vesevitinov. Who Pushkin wrote his Lensky? Part 2
P. F. Sokolov, "Dmitry Vladimirovich Venevitinov" Photo: ru.wikipedia.orgThe story introduces readers with a short, but surprisingly saturated life...